so i have noticed this the sr1 2.0 dont follow the script position like the handy look here can i somehoow fix it ?
the sr1 jumps straight to the up possition as fas as it can but the handy followes the line exacly why ? is this a hardware thing ?
Scripts made for the Handy seems to have relied heavily on it’s built in motion smoothing.
I don’t think SR1 have any of this, so it needs to be configured in script player.
From what I read, this is no longer active by default in Handy firmware 4, so hopefully, the creators of the different funscript players will make function built in for easily turning on and off motion smooting.
Which software are you using to play scripts?
If it’s MultiFunPlayer, the interpolation mode is probably set to Step. Try Linear or Pchip instead.
I might have had the same issue. Does it drop down as quickly as possible? Does it function normally when using MFP? I wrote more about it in their Discord channel.
Their firmware has an issue which they have to fix (or they fixed it but you have old firmware) where it ignores move duration (I
part of TCode), so basically pretty much all script players wont work with it and you have to use MFP because it interpolates on the fly and sends moves in small chunks.
In MFP you can also up the update rate to 333hz so the steps are even smaller.
hm ok if someone got an idea of how to connect interface to mfp is easy but connect mfp to scryptplayer so i dont lose my playlist this is something i dont like on mfp i cant have videos like in Script player saved up
I could not get the Funsr1 or 2.0 to connect to Scriptplayer. I do still use Scriptplayer to see my playlist or use random and then I move any video I want to play over to MFP + MPC-HC. Scriptplayer’s built-in player is all washed out anyway, you don’t want to use it if there’s any other option.
In related news, my rotation function just broke on the funSR1 2.0, it got about 30 hours of extremely enjoyable use, mostly on a low speed random setting. I got one of the first beta builds and they sent it free so I’m not worried about replacement this time.
It now randomly skips portions of rotation scripts or the random setting and makes up for it by doing a large, relatively quick 180 rotation. Up/Down still works so I’ve disabled rotation for now and am waiting to hear back from their tech support after DMing them last night.
The rotation is absolutely amazing and I want it back so bad
Random setting and making your own 60s rotation loop is so worth it, even if you never want to load up multi-axis scripts. I wonder what they would charge just to replace the rotation attachement. I feel like it might be very cheap, probably $30.