FUNSR1:A toy based on SSR1,Half the price of Handy, surpassing Handy performance

It doesn’t work; there may be more colors in the future, provided they can be sold.

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I’ve only had that sensation when I use a heated fleshlight for the first 10 seconds before it loses its heat. A heater case does extend it further, but I don’t think there is anything better in terms of sensation other than onaholes, but those are harder to heat up and keep heated.
I also have heard of male milking machines being good, but not that much better since there was a post by a member here that combined it with The Handy.

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[quote=“lui, post:9, topic:155835, full:true”]
I’ve only had that sensation when I use a heated fleshlight for the first 10 seconds before it loses its heat. A heater case does extend it further, but I don’t think there is anything better in terms of sensation other than onaholes, but those are harder to heat up and keep heated.[/quote]
For a sleeve to remain warm, you need to warm them up for a longer duration. A simple heating element does this poorly (and can cause damage).

The good old place in a bucket of warm water trick still works best since the water doesnt lose heat quickly (preventing damage from heat), yet can give off the heat for a very long time. Sure, once its out of it you might want some additional heating with it to keep it warm, but it shouldnt be that cold after 10s effect.

These are completely diffirent. They dont even remotely match anything sex related that you normaly have with a girl. Its an extremely artificial sensation.

It does feel great on that though (note that the handy is more powerfull than most milkers in sensation). but that is because these machines are often made in such way that you can use these for hours at a time. The sensation is generaly not as intense as a handy sleeve because of that. Its the slow buiild up that will take you over the edge instead the moment you speed it up.

And if someone uses the handy almost daily, these can be severely underwhelming. Dont expect raw power from these. The only thing they have more power at is the suction they give, stroking wise they are weak.

The reason to combine the handy+milker was because the handy lacks suction. But without even trying it myself, i already know that a milker is going to severely underperform here when tried. If you set those to max speed, they will stop by detecting being jammed, so only slow suction, and therefor a little can be added. Not worth the hassle, A milker has to be used standalone to get it to function properly.

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There’s no point to using someone else’s server when you can wire everything locally. Use MultiFunPlayer and connect via USB or Wi-Fi (UDP).


Just to add to that, it would require a Windows computer to run MultiFunPlayer.


Khrull’s XTPlayer has build for Mac and Linux.


With VAM+Voxta you’ve got pretty close to that now. I mean I have a stable of over 500 ladies I can load up and give whatever personality I want. I can set it up to run in AR and despite what eleven11 says funscripts with VR are 95% of the way there.

We still have issues though. There is no way to control and load scripts in MFP or handycontrol within VAM and VAMSync loses a lot.

The other is heating/lubrication. We need a simple sleeve that has tubing spiraled through it (or a capillary and tubing connectors molded in) and a heated res with warmer + fountain pump. A circulatory system works for the ladies bodies, it should work for a toy as well.

Multifunplayer doesn’t work for me

We currently have an integrated heating and lubrication solution, but it has not been commercialized yet. If you’re interested, you can contact me through Discord at vrsr6osr2.

How much faster is this thing compared to the handy?

The maximum speed is similar to THE HANDY, but it depends on factors like load and power. At 500 units/s, there won’t be a significant change in maximum stroke. The main advantages are:

  1. Better support for scripts, especially at low speeds and non-uniform speeds.
  2. Higher load capacity and lower noise.
  3. Support for more toys.
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I watched the extreme speed exercises video and the unit has a lot of horizontal movement. It may be partially a problem with the mount but it seems to me that the sudden change of direction at those speeds with that amount of mass is causing a lot energy to be unloaded into the main unit. Acknowledged that this is an “extreme” test, but that looks like a buttload of stress that’s likely to decrease MTBF unless you beef up the components.

With little evidence, here’s my prediction:
Too many users will test the upper limits of the unit in load and speed, thereby stressing their machines to the point of failure. Subsequent iterations will be built with features to mitigate the user-caused stress. This will increase the cost/price and/or significantly reduce the capabilities.


Is the only difference between the lite and pro version is the ways you can connect to the device?

Can you put in adapters/receivers like the OSR2/SR6 use? E.g. Adapter for smaller sleeves from M0SAIC’s website.

How long do you believe the lifetime of the device will be? (1 year daily use?)

Additionally has this been tested to see if it works with Intiface Central to do device integration/interaction game stuff?

Finally as it’s based on the SSR1 if a part breaks (usually motor) is it possible for us to fix/replace that bit to get this working again with similar easy to the OSR2/SR6?

This is because the VESA mount wasn’t properly secured during testing. If the VESA mount is properly secured, this issue should not occur. I will test it again and post it to the community.

  1. The difference lies in the WiFi connection and the device’s ability to move without relying on a data source.
  2. In theory, no additional receivers are needed. The FLESHLIGHT receiver and half-moon receiver can adapt to a wide range of toys.
  3. The theoretical lifespan is 2000 hours, primarily depending on the motor.
  4. Yes, it is possible.
  5. Yes, it has higher integration. If the motor breaks, it can be replaced, but if the chip breaks, it cannot be (although it’s unclear in what scenarios the chip might break, such as liquid entering and damaging the circuit?).
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The biggest challenge at the moment is transportation and how to repair damages incurred during use at a low cost. Otherwise, it cannot be commercialized and can only be used for DIY purposes.

Would this be usable with HereSphere?

Looks very interesting in any case, would probably check this out if my Handy dies on me

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It can be done

Obviously they will test it, as its one of the key reasons to go for a stronger device. Which is why any limits the device has must be handled within the device itself so users cannot exceed it.

If users could change the firmware themselve to exceed those limits, thats something else, but thats where you can at least mark the firmware itself as safe or unsafe. (and im quite sure most users will just go with safe)

That the device becomes more expensive from improvements isnt a problem. The handy, launch, autoblow etc all have similar pricing, and as long as you are still significantly below that, you have a good competing product (and the margin is like a 50% higher price here, and potentialy even more).

Looks very interesting for me
But i’m not sure how i would mount it on a desk in a good way. I know it has VESA support but so far i can’t find any good mount that is small and can be adjusted up and down and also angle back and forward.

I would also prefer if my fleshlight case would be attached on the upper part of the case, the slim part. Just in case accidental slipping out from the sleeve, then it would feel safer to not have the machine so close. also it would make it less bulky at the entrence. Maybe it is possible with the straps that are included.