(Game Integration discontinued) Daily Lives of my Countryside by Milda Sento Version v0.29.1

Yep, and I changed it. I only don’t understand why it stop already once the prologue is skipped.

The Dream State like Mentioned in the Disclaimer isnt ready with Funscripts yet and wont work cause it has no Funscripts xD. The way the Game is Modded it takes a lot of Time for us too implement the Funscripts there. Just be patient, we will make it work in the future.


No rush, just glad I could test it. The game is MUCH longer than the others on here.
Tested with an OSR2 and everything worked as it should so far


That’s definitely a bug on our side, I will look into it :smile:


Dont know if it is the same issue but the function to set back the filler after the sound “Cuckoo clock” is played doesnt seem to work. After the script “-1” the status of the game goes to “Script stop” on Funscript Player. Right now the only solution is to refresh the game to get the Player working again


The Dream Function should work now everyone. Again thanks to @Pascaru !


@Zerostress @Pascaru I have been playing and the scripts for Kate (559,551,565) are off they seem to be short and don’t correspond with the text. I’ve tried it a couple times and the script finishes before i can get through the dialogue idk if that was suppose to be like that. Great integration by the way I am enjoying my play through.


That has to do with the the way the game is moded and the funscripts were made. But glad you are enjoying it anyway !

is thare a smaller update file or do i just downlode the game again never done one of theas games

Would it be possible to get some reference videos to edit the funscripts? Or what was your proces to make the funscripts?

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you need to download it again

@Zerostress i was thinking that because that is how some of the other games that are integrated work. Just wanted to bring it to your attention the kate locker room and I believe the cpr scene has some sort of error. It attempts to play the filler script and causes the handy to pause until another scene is triggered.

Also for everyone else that already started the game before the update you can transfer the save folder from the old version to the new one to keep progress.

For Errors with the game you can ask @Pascaru, maybe he knows something.
On another note I am currently scripting some missing transitions for the game and maybe it will get fixed by chance when we implement the next scripts. We are currently both pretty busy but will do our best to fix the problems as fast as possible if we can.


We fixed some Bugs and added some Scripts for our v3 version ! Be sure to download the game again :D.


So i finally finished my playthrough of the game and I must say it was great. I tend to jump back and forth between other integrated games but this one had me hooked. A couple notes I have. The Kate scripts may have an issue specifically the CPR & BJ. The helping hand scripts (933,629) works but could use some improvements felt like the stroke was too shallow and the ejaculation wasn’t scripted like it is in most of the scripts. Ultimately i felt like it didn’t correlate well with the action. The normal version has no movement at all but loads script (624,630) The BJ scene loads script (604,605) during but has no movement which again doesn’t correlate with scene. Lastly, and not a big part really, but the stroking scenes during the river watch has no action script (1628,389,390)

Is there any way to modify the scripts? I have a preference and would like the try my hand at scripting. I have never done it and thought this could be a good starting point.

@Pascaru @Zerostress tip of the hat to you gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time and putting this together. I look forward to future projects and hope I was some help.


The way it was modded the scenes had no sound and were scripted on a hunch xD. And some scenes that aren’t animated yet will get further updates when it comes to it. Just w8 and we will update it when the time comes. Also thanks for liking it and your feedback :D.

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Every time the game auto saves and or advances time the filler stops and the game needs to be reset

Make sure you downloaded the newest version. That was an issue it had before the update they provided.

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Ya I did do you think that bug got transferred when I moved the save data or something

Hello, thank you for the good mode.

I’ve been playing version 2 before,
After downloading the new version, I’m going to move the save file
I don’t think my handy is recognized.

Is it wrong to import the previous save file?
I pasted the files in D:\game\DailyLivesOfTheCountrySide+Modv2UNTESTED\DailyLivesOfTheCountrySide\www\save into the save file for the new version of the game,
funscrpt does not recognize handy.
Can I get some help?

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