Gumroad is some horseshit

Permanently banned. For WHAT? I didn’t appeal the temp suspension because I’m fucking busy. If you bought scripts of mine from that horseshit site, then you know what I had ONLY:
For example-
Title of product-ee666scripts0001
Heatmap added as cover or image or whatever
Funscript file-eescripts666#0001

THAT is it. Absolutely NO indication of ANYTHING NSFW.

No images. No words. Nothing.
They still owe me $114.


I wonder if someone reported it? Curious what happened.

I’m sorry that you have to deal with that. I hope you’re at least able to get your money owed without too much hassle.

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Nope. THEY NUKED EVERYTHING! No remnant of my ever being there.


I only have one thing to say to Gumroad…

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they suck goat dong…yes…

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That is bs. They should’ve at least paid you out on closure. That’s what a different place did to me when they closed my account.

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yeah. i just got shut tf out…i figure that shit won’t last if they do it to the wrong people…but eh…i move on

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