Handy firmware version 4 rolling out

Using HereSphere I’ve been seeing a problem for the last few weeks with scripts failing to load. Reloading usually fixes it, although it takes a few tries sometimes.


Hello friends.

So following my first very quick test, I come back with a better analysis, having been able to test 5 different scripts.
First of all I confirm my first test (above) 0.13 is much much better.
Unfortunately I went back to FW3, the sensations remain much better!

For my tests I upgraded again to 4.0.13.
I took a 10 min video, I first played my script created by myself, in FW 4.
Then immediately after I downgraded to FW 3 and I replayed the same script.
The sensations are really better.

Then to try to understand I went back to FW 4, and I voluntarily modified my script without following the images too much but only to differentiate the sensations.

Personally, after several modifications and rereadings of this same script in FW3 then in FW4, here is what I notice:

When a move is too long over too short a duration, I voluntarily created a very tense point: 0 to 100 in 100 ms or 849 mm/s (unplayable move), so if FW 3 tries to get closer to it by remaining approximate, by playing for example 0 to 80 instead of 0 to 100, the move is played but truncated, on the other hand FW 4 knows that it will not succeed and skips this point to go directly to the next one.
Where this is most noticeable is on shorter and very close moves, for example to stay on the same crazy unplayable speed a move from 0 to 50 in 50 ms for 850 mm/s.
Same observation, FW 3 knows that he will not succeed but still tries to play something close to it, while FW 4 knowing that it is not playable skips this move.
I made many tests, going from 0 to 50, from 0 to 80 then from 0 to 100 and at different speeds from 300 mm/s to unplayable speeds at 850 mm/s to compare well.
And this is what comes out of my tests.

In summary if FW 3 knows that he cannot play a move he still tries to do something close to it, while FW 4 knows that he cannot play and directly skips the point to the next one.
Maybe I am completely wrong and mistaken, but personally this is what I was able to analyze during my tests.
This plays a lot on the feeling.

And this is confirmed by pushing the tests, on long shots not very fast for example 0 to 100 in 217 ms or 392 mm/s then FW 4 is better, more sensual, but on short and very fast shots for example 0 to 60 in 100 ms or 509 mm/s then FW 3 is much better.
All this can be in the sense of my first impressions posted here: to preserve the engine.

Personally after all my tests it is decided I return to FW 3 and I stay there for the moment.
The sensations are much better there, despite the enormous progress of FW 4.0.13.


Hmm that sounds interesting and I could test it perfectly myself because I always make sure to never be over 500mm/s to not have any issues. In a way that should make sure that my scripts should feel about the same with both FWs cause there shouldnt be any points where FW4 would skip a point at all. I am just too lazy to give it a go though, but thanks for the testing.

If this is true (I’m not questioning the analysis, but I haven’t tried FW4 myself), it’s really bad. All my scripts relies on that the firmware shortens too fast strokes. I don’t do anything crazy, but I try to find a middle ground by exceeding TheHandy speed limit a bit so that faster devices like the OSR2 can take advantage of having better specs. If TheHandy start to skip strokes then you have to script explicitly for TheHandy specs and do a second script if you want to match specs of devices that can handle faster moves.


To better understand what I noticed during my tests, here are two examples, two shots that I regularly use here and there in my scripts.

I try to remain pragmatic because everyone has their own tastes and feelings, I do not judge on the effect that the shot provides but only on what I observe.

The first on the left side, when played on FW 3 we feel a very brief little jolt at each point, so on the whole of the shot the sensations are interesting.

Replaying the same shot on FW 4, it gives the feeling of the line that I made to its right, that is to say very linear and without the intermediate points.

The second on the right side is faster, but same observation.
Played on FW 3 we feel the little jolts on each point, the same played on FW 4 we feel like the curve to its right: smooth and linear without the intermediate points.

So be careful, I’m not saying that FW 4 skips “ALL” the shots that are too strong, but I find that it still skips quite a few, which means that the feeling is no longer the same at all.

It’s up to everyone’s taste, but personally I’m sticking with FW 3.

And I still think that the designers of the Handy should work on a faster engine, some human scenes in a video that are therefore very real because they were done before our eyes, are simply impossible to reproduce with the Handy because of its limitations, so when you create a script you have to cheat, you shorten the shot to gain a little speed, or you skip an action, or you shift in relation to the video.
I think all script writers know this.


500 mm/s you are in the red.
The Handy manages very well up to 400 mm/s, beyond that it starts to become approximate, up to 440 or 450 it still tries to follow, but from 450 it truncates, the shots played are no longer really the desired ones.
And beyond 500 mm/s there it is really very random …

I finally bit the bullet and downgraded to FW3. The upload issues with FW4 meant I was spending more time trying to get the funscript to “take” than I was watching content.

Hopefully Handy will get their server issues sorted out soon. The “quick start” performance of FW4’s wifi was fantastic when it worked.


Sorry if this has been answered before but how exactly do you downgrade? I updated to FW4 and the Handy just doesnt work period. It connects to stuff like faptap and script player but just doesnt move.

Scroll up in this thread for a link to instructions (quite many pages up, just keep scrolling).

WiFi is backward compatible, but not Bluetooth. If you want to connect to legacy Bluetooth apps (script player) you will need to press the ACTION button and UP button at the same time for more than 2 sec.

Hi. Could you help me debug further?

  • On what service did you have trouble uploading?
  • What was the error you had?
  • And what FW version are you on?

Direct link to upgrade to 4.0.13 is here: Handyverse

Not the original poster, but I’ve been seeing issues as well with Stash, especially in case of a longer video. Sometimes the Handy will just stop and nothing will get it back working unless I reload the video, wait for the script to upload and then ffwd to the spot I was in.

I am using HereSphere on Quest served by xbvr running on my NAS. With FW4 a few months ago scripts would upload and immediately start very consistently. It was fantastic.

Over the last ~6 weeks the process got increasingly unreliable. I’d get an orange “failed to upload” message in HereSphere. I’d get a “uploaded” message but the script wouldn’t start. I’d get a “script playing” message - but the Handy wouldn’t actually move at all. These problems increased to the point that last week I had to retry multiple times for each script.

I tried changing my Handy key - no improvement.

I went back to FW3 and uploads were much more reliable - maybe 1 in 20 failures.

I am in the U.S.A. in central Texas. I have 1.2Gbps Internet service from Spectrum. I have a wifi 6E router in the same room as my Quest Pro.


I also have been having this same issue. The thing that confused me is that I’m pretty sure it started happening and I hadn’t upgraded Heresphere, nor changed the FW.
It happened to me on both 4.0.12 and to 4.0.13

My guess is that it’s a server-side issue for FW4. I remember there was a server outage during the holidays that only affected those who were on the 4 beta.

I’m certain you are correct. Unfortunately it keeps getting worse, as opposed to the usual day or three outages we’ve seen from Handy in the past.

I agree, this seems to be related to the servers, which are likely different from the servers used in FW3 because they now use gRPC for communication.

I believe this may be the case as well. Ever since FW4 has been launched, there has been significantly more downtime due to server and connection issues, unlike FW3. While FW4 does works great when it works, its reliability is worse than FW3.

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In latest version i can’t connect to bluetooth. Went back to FW3. Anyone else have same problem or is it just me? Scripts loads time were really good with FW4, but sometimes accuracy is not and when i used FW4 handy sometimes goes to way top making that “clank” sound. Not have that problem with FW3. Hopefully you guys get it fixed.

I also have issues to connect to bluetooth mode.
When offline (green light), a single press of the mode button gives a red light (when pressing)
Holding mode button allow to connect to wifi without issue, but I noticed the light switches between purple and blue, but I have never been able to connect to bluetooth (at least, on Intiface)