"Handy" Simple scripter

Has anyone tried using the computer vision tracking with a 2D/animated video? I spent a few hours trying several and none of them will track properly.

In this example there are a couple of suggested tracking points when you click on ‘find points to track’, but none of them follow the video properly. There is either no movement at all or a very minimal wave pattern like you can see in the later part of the graph.

Is this program limited to real-life videos?

@SzFrs A semi educated guess would be to increase the “Win size”.
If the tracking area is smaller than the motion from one frame to the next these computer vision algorithms tend to fail.
But maybe you’ve tried this already.

Hi, I do 3d and sometimes I just need to copy paste blocks or points but too bad it’s not possible. if you can add the ability to copy paste or the ability to add custom template that will be perfect. and also the ability to switch to fps mode. Thanks


No, I do not think so. As long as the pixels are “moving” the CV algos should be able to detect and track. It might be that there is something “strange” happening between the frames in the animated videos that set the tracker out, but my guess is the same as @gagax123 : Try to change to a bigger win size

Noted. I have added it to my todo list

Question… Can you do this from your phone I don’t have a desktop or a laptop just my phone

This application is built for desktops. It would probably work, but the interface would not be great.

Thanks for the replies guys. When I have the time I will give it another go and let you know if I was successful. :slight_smile:

Hey Alexander, just wanna say thank you for this great work! You also have a great style being kind and relaxed doing the videos and taking time patiently for the members.
Keep on going doing this great work and dont leave your kindness!

Thank you so much:-)

Added Xbox controller support👌


Can you copy and paste points using the Simple Scripter? Or (what I would like to do) be able to copy a series of points and paste them in the visible portion of the timeline so they repeat.

Or expanding/contracting points between start and end points so speed up/slow down would be good too.


Good question!! Have you recieved a reply or maybe figured it out on your own??