Handy vs Keon for Slower scripts?

I presently have an Onyx+, and it has issues with slow scripts or slow sections, and gives me a flashing red/blinking light and need to reconnect. I’m looking to upgrade to either the Keon or the Handy, but am conflicted and wanted to know anyone’s experience on slower scripts, and how the handy/keon handle them. I can only assume the Handy is better, but haven’t heard anything about the Keon and slower speed.

If you like slow Scripts without filler movements you need TheHandy. If I am not wrong. Beside OSR, it is the only device which can handle super slow movements.


check out the sr6, its honestly amazing, its annoying to setup the first time, but once everything is installed, gods, up down scripts just aren’t the same once you’ve tried the same up down but at different angles and even twisting. totally worth the investment! it handles slow scripts and fast scripts real well, its just super friggin loud if you get cheap servos. you can also build your own and print out attachments for even more addons like suck and heat and twist, auto lube, all sorts of stuff! Tempest is the patreon the design comes from and there are a few vendors here who will sell and mail completely printed and ready to use machines. the sr6 is a bit pricey to get, so they have a lower priced version with less “degrees” called the osr2. I personally got mine from yourhobbiescustomized.com took like 2 weeks.

I’ve found that in my scriptplayer settings if i switch the ‘beat conversion mode’ from ‘up/down’ to up/down fast’ I get this error alot less often. also using the python script that coverts to kiiroo is a must.