Handy WiFi vs Bluetooth

In my opinion, WiFi with the Handy is not worth its drawbacks. However, using Bluetooth, I’m now noticing (apparent) sync problems with some specific scripts. Example scripts with this problem:
. https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/kamuo-2-short-hj-bj-animations-suggested-soft-scripts/85068/9
. https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/sunfanart-dress-up-darling-marin-riding-gojo-requested-soft-hardcore-scripts/123581

After searching the forums, I see this is a known issue with Bluetooth when the intervals between scripted actions is too short, some actions are just skipped entirely.

. While attempting to use WiFi to prove the point above, I was reminded why I’ve been using a Bluetooth connection from when I started using Handy. With WiFi, the start and seek times of videos are slow (1-4 seconds as of the last time I tried) versus seemingly instant compared with Bluetooth. Also, WiFi breaks looping videos for me. Plus, when the Handy servers eventually disappear, all scripts with this problem will have to be retooled to make them work with Bluetooth anyway. I suppose I’m here partially to see how many Handy users leverage WiFi vs Bluetooth and to encourage the latter. I know there are online services that obviously require WiFi but I don’t use any of those and prefer to have an entirely offline solution that I know will still work 10 years from now.

Looking for better options going forward, the ‘Simplify’ special filter in OpenFunscripter does an ok job pairing actions down and can work to make some scripts Bluetooth friendly, but it doesn’t always get it right. Sometimes, it cuts off a peak and loses sync in places which leaves me currently in the position to manually edit certain scripts. Is there a better, more automatic filter method? None of the filters at https://beta.funscript.io seem to be a match for this (I already use the Handy limiter there for scripts with movements which are too fast for Handy).

Visual example of what I’m trying to describe:


After (makes it Bluetooth compatible):

One of the reasons why I started using a wire connection method with SR1.

Handy’s server sometimes malfunctions and end up not working at certain time.

But since my script is all about HQ with smooth detailed strokes. I can’t do much about it. I can’t go back to those days where slow storkes have no detailed speed change after experiencing how good the smooth direction changes can feel.:smiling_face_with_tear:

I hope Handy learns something about this and improves it. Until then, I will be using my no load time SR1 that also almost not have interval gap limit.


Good to know about the SR1

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Unfortunately, Bluetooth offline use of the handy may be going away. My interpretation of past comments from company employees is that they would prefer that Bluetooth control of the handy would end. The number of Bluetooth users when compared to wifi users is minuscule so expansion of the wifi tech at the expense of Bluetooth is inevitable. The new firmware currently in beta, FW4, appears to be steps in that direction.

If you look at the company movements in the past couple of years you will see a push to make everything pass through their servers. While I don’t believe the handy servers will disappear anytime soon, my prediction is that there will eventually be a monthly charge added to use them. Not having an offline Bluetooth mode to use in that case would be advantageous to the company. When the day comes that the servers do end we would most likely be left with a manual stroker and no way to play scripts, if that’s still the tech by then.

You’ve scared me into never updating the firmware. If they do remove BT mode (or in any way make bluetooth worse than it is today) I’ll be moving away from the device. What you said is unfortunately believable to me, but I’ll consider it rumor until it becomes official.

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It’s definitely just my speculation but when I have carefully read information from the company over the years and follow the money this is where it takes me.

Hey, wanted to add something here.

I admit we never really recommended Bluetooth mode, but we are not really actively trying to make it worse! It’s true that the new Firmware will contain changes to Bluetooth but you can rest assured that there are options.

For example, in the new Firmware you will be able to access old Bluetooth via buttons, so technically you won’t lose compatibility.

That being said, I wanted to thank OP and all the responses, these kind of posts are great for feedback and making sure we are on track with our community!

Please, feel free to ask anything else. I will do my best to help out :smiley:


Are you a company official?
If yes, just allow custom local servers on our computers. Problem solved.


I am working as Ohdoki’s Tech Support for Customers

And gotcha, I can’t promise you it will be done but I will make sure the dev team hears it.

I know it sounds like a whole load of nothing burger but the best I can say is that I’ve seen changes happen due to feedback so please, don’t feel discouraged in sharing.


Thanks for the information. I appreciate your attempts to help people.


Wait, the wifi function is dependent on servers? This has not been clear at all to me. And why would it be? It’s your own wifi that’s used to make a connection between local devices.

Its like using Airplay from phone->TV
Or connecting with phone to your speaker over wifi

Do these depend on servers too? If not I don’t see any reason for this nonsense…

Thanks for pointing this out guys, guess I’ll refrain from updating as well…

Yes, wifi is dependent on the servers. The company line is that this is a security feature because it serves as a proxy between online services and your handy thereby anonymizing your use. While it would be possible to have custom local servers the reply from the company to that suggestion was along the lines of: It’s not something enough people want to justify the manpower to maintain it.

Updating to the new firmware will likely have no detrimental affect on the majority of users but may implement some improvements and security features. The worry for some though is that the new firmware may impact users who want to use the offline bluetooth mode and even that is not a certainty, as noted by handyVitor above.


I understand that its needed for online services. But is it also needed for a local network connection? That makes no sense to me, and seems like an issue which diminishes security rather than improves it.

Also as jason mentioned, if they go offline you’ll be limited to the bluetooth, which may or may not get removed…

Handy forcing WiFi to go to their servers is more about maintaining control and making money than security. There’s little/no Development effort involved ‘maintaining’ a local WiFi connection, once it’s working. In fact, 99%+ of that work was complete from the initial release; the Handy already has working WiFi. All that needs to be done is to allow local access.

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I agree with Magneato but thought I would tell the reasoning the company uses to shut down the conversation, which in my opinion has little to do with security.

It probably would take a fair amount of resources to develop and maintain local wifi in parallel with the system that is in place now. Limitations in programming space and security considerations aside, it is a hard sell when there’s probably less than 5% of users (and I think that’s a very high guesstimate) that would want it and be able to set it up.

I don’t agree with that 5% guesstimate. Many script posts have people talking about how to download videos. It stands to reason they’re playing the file locally. I’d guess more like 80%+ of people would want to play their local movie and funscript on their local network without having to wait 4+ seconds (at times) to seek ahead in a video.


There is a much larger userbase than you think that would prefer to have local wifi or bluetooth connection. Probably one of the major reasons i swapped to funsr1 over the handy is because it can run locally so I dont get annoyed when the servers decided to kill themselves.


I’d wager that most people who try out Bluetooth mode via Buttplug.io immediately realize just how janky and unreliable Wi-Fi mode really is.

Using Bluetooth is night and day in terms of connection speed, while being nearly seamless. I just wish it were a bit less limited when it comes to interacting with some scripts.


One really specific but I have is that VLC makes scripts less smooth than ScripPlayer itself. That’s one thing I noticed with detailed scripts on The Handy. They work fine in ScriptPlayer, but for some reason when using VLC, I get a lot of jitter and the machine tries to catch up on movements after stopping for a split second.

I have 22,000 scripted videos on my NAS. I use the Handy’s wifi connection via the on-Quest version of HereSphere regularly. The initial delay while the script it uploaded to Handy’s servers is annoying. And even more so when it doesn’t work.

Ultimately though 95%+ of the time everything is fine. I can scrub and jump around in videos without a delay once the script is loaded.

I would prefer that Handy allow me to use scripts from a local server instead. That software is only running on Handy’s servers at the moment. I don’t expect they want to support amateurs setting up server software. And the effort required to make it easy to use is probably more than they want to take on for what may be a relatively small percentage of their users.

After all - most people stream all their content rather than download it. I don’t think porn is any different than music or movies in that respect.