Handy won't connect properly to Ikunogaman

Hey there,

I’m trying to connect my Handy to this game, Ikunogaman, however I’m facing multiple issues when I do actually mange to connect.

I’ve been looking for any related information on various Japanese sites, and have found no one else with a similar issue. Essentially Japanese users are just able to connect no problem. You just start the game, put the device into Bluetooth mode and it should just work.

The issues I’m encourtering are:

  1. Connecting to the game takes a long time, roughly 30-60 seconds, sometimes longer

  2. When the device connects it does not match the in game movements whatsoever, for example, the device will maybe stroke really fast for a few seconds and then just stop, it rarely does anything after this.

  3. It will disconnect after a few minutes, after which the device will not reconnect unless the PC is restarted

I’ve used it for multiple other games and had no problems, it’s just this game.

I have no idea what the issue could be, so any help would be appreciated.