Haptics multiuser or "Control my Handy" feature

Got an idea for multiuser haptics.
Basically it’s “Control my Handy” feature.
One user sends control my handy invitation to another.
Once accepted another user can control his handy from the web or from the app.
In web it’s a mouse control vertical slider.
In the app it could be moving controller up and down with some visualisation. Grip button should add an effect. Perfectly users should be able to watch the same video at the same time

afaik the handy team did something like that already:

They did also something like that in the past with multi room controls and hosts etc.

There are also a few scripts based on those Handy shows:


what about a “tinder” like thing, where you swipe left or right based on info provided for a control / controlled session and then get matched with the users.

xtoys. app also does pretty much that, but for a much wider range of toys