i wanna use a meiki zxy or meiki 13 tanaka remon, but theyre pretty heavy for my handy. is there another toy I could buy to upgrade from the handy?
Didn’t spend much time using the search function eh? (Or it’s let you down) As the almighty PLAPBOT version of the OSR2 is what your wanting if you want to use heavy sleeves. Though if your not using sleeves that are 1kg+ nor at hip sized then you could also go for the SR6 where it has more servos and better multi-axis capabilities.
However price wise…they’re both not cheap compared to the Handy.
Both of your toys weights around 800 grams. You don’t need a Plapbot.
A standard OSR2 with a pair of 35kg servos should be able to carry them under 6V.
The SSR1 also carries about that weight. The FunSR1 is a solid pre-built version of it that you can buy off AliExpress.
I haven’t used any in a while, but I can say that the larger Meiki sleeves present no trouble for a standard OSR2 with 45kg servos at 7.5V (i.e. ~32kg at that voltage), even at high speed.
The only obstacle is mounting the sleeves. There are a number of 3D-printable options available for that, and you can also just convert a spare Fleshlight case, as I have (cut along the lines, and use heat to bend the resulting arms in two places so they are straight as pictured).
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