Help, hoping for a funscript option

Hello, guys. I recently got a new handy, and I kept thinking: what if my favorite hentai site had an option for funscript? So, I decided to reach out to After a few minutes of discussion, I think he/she is potentially interested.

Sadly, I lack programming/website-building knowledge, so I was wondering if anyone could guide me on how to set up a funscript option on a website, like in FapTap. I know what I am asking is a lot of work, and then again, I am a newbie, but I just want to use my toy with my favorite site. Is it even possible to do so? The owner (I think who I talked to) is showing interest in that.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

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faptap has creators upload the scripts for the specific videos you can watch. they also have their faptap ai thing. ive tried it on a number of occasions. It’s not up to par yet, im sure in time it will get better though.

So while this is a proof of concept, it’s not going to be something a beginner can make happen… Well I shouldnt speak in absolutes, I should say its extremely unlikely you’d put in the time and effort to accomplish such a task. It is of course possible though.

If you were going to do it you would need to look up the handy API docs, learn (probably js) html, css, and maybe even ts.

Then you will need to learn python (if you have learned js at this point then python is no problem). so you can work with the models that do the motion tracking.

Most likely youll need to train/fine tune your own because what we have currently is either closed source or sub par.

A lot of work and not for the faint of heart. Should be fun though

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You gonna need three JS libs:

First you need to make something basic , and then connect it to video player

Actually they can go to faptap and look how they did it

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