[Help Needed] Karryn's Prison - Karryn's buttplug.io mod


Edit: Big Thanks to @KickRAzz for compiling and improving the project, however as you can see below it does have some wonkyness to it. Would appreciate anyone that wants to take a look at the project code link below and see if they’d like to take a crack and forking it.

For those new to the thread, I found a seemingly abandoned project adding buttplug.io support to the game Karryn’s Prison using Intiface Central. The original project was found here so all props to PervertedPsycho, whomever they are.

From my testing, this mod works relatively ok in regards to properly connecting to the game and functioning in battles. It does have some wonkyness to it:

  • Sometimes Keon (testing unit) disconnects randomly and requires game restart to reconnect to game
  • It supports a “fluffing” setting that I believe is supposed to keep the unit going during downtime at a rate you choose, but it doesn’t really seem to work.

Updated Link with edit.02:

Here is the readme from the project on how to set up the mod:


  1. Install the Karryn’s Prison Mod settings mod: Files · master · Karryn Prison Mods / Mods Settings · GitLab
  2. Install this mod by dropping karryns_buttplug.js in the www/mods folder
  3. Setup Intiface central
  4. Download Intiface central from Intiface® Central | Intiface®
  5. Click the big play button on the top left to start the server
  6. Click the devices tab on the left
  7. Click on the “Start Scanning” text
  8. Enter pairing mode on all your devices
  9. Devices should show up in the Connected Devices list, if they don’t the mod won’t work
  10. Open Karryn’s Prison
  11. Go to Settings → Mods → ButtplugIO…
  12. Configure your devices
  13. Start the game and enjoy

I managed to compile the script for you, and it seems to connect to intiface, but you need to run intiface before the game starts. i did not test how the mod interacts with toys however, here is the link to the build project:


You the GOAT. I’ll try it out and test it a bit and see how well it works. Sad that they stopped development.

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Updated thread with links and description, still asking for assistance from experienced modders to see if they can fork and continue work or not. (or if there is interest in it)

I’m still messing with the code every now and then and from what i gathered so far is that the script loops upon an enemy action, but if two action appear in the same turn it crashes. (or so i think)

Edit: it happens when you skip trough the dialogue too fast and the two loops overlap causing the position value to be blank and thus throwing errors and looping infinity.

That would make sense. I tested it out for a longer period of gameplay to see if there were any other weird hiccups and it was pretty stable so I think the occurrence rate of that would be relatively low.

Focusing purely on getting it to work before enhancements, I’m just left with the “fluffing” feature. Just doesn’t seem to do anything, or will randomly update upon room change, but not every time.

The fluffing is basically oscillation back and forth between min and max value (regardless of settings for now) and it always stops after a battle and starts on a scene load(not sure when that triggers yet other then game load.)

i changed some code around to hopefully prevent the loop from crashing and added a option to enable the fluffing instead of letting it read 0 (which i think can cause issues).

and i added that fluffing should continue after a battle ended, so it should be doing something again.

here is the link:


Big props to you man. Now I feel like it’s where it was meant to be.


Let me know if you have any idea’s on how the toy should behave or perhaps on an (enemy) action, currently I’m thinking on adjusting the oscillation based on Karryn’s arousal so it gets faster and deeper.


I’m not entirely sure but I think I might’ve noticed a few bugs when I tried using it last night

  • while the fluffing works the speed setting does nothing when I tried changing it while playing
  • the max range of the handy was unaffected by changing the setting

This is what I would think the behavior should be as well.

  • In combat the filler stroke speed would be based on the pleasure meter.
  • Enemy or Karryn sex attacks perform a pattern.
  • Orgasm for Enemy or Karryn performs an Orgasm pattern a few times, or as long as the cut-in lasts.
  • Fluffing would just be for non-combat/world traversal.

Which version did you use? I know the original I linked before KickRazz fixed it didn’t have fluffing working.

I used the fixed version KickRazz made and the fluffing works it just isn’t affected by any of the settings

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Working on that now, it was correct that the settings did not do anything yet, the original author put static values in.


Here is the new version:

  • I added a option to turn on oscillation based on karryn’s arousal or off will use the full range.
  • All settings should be affected by max and minimum values.
  • Instead of a volume slider you can now input numbers yourself, just keep the range between 0-100
  • Max speed does not do anything yet and put that in the description.

Be aware that the changes on the toy settings only apply when you either load a save or after battle for now, i still have to figure out a way to improve that.

Note i haven’t tested it extensively so please be careful.


Good stuff guys, you could post it on the Remtairy Discord to garner attention and maybe get help or idea’s there.

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Heya ,

I think i need some help with this one i followed the steps for Installation but unter settings / mods / ButtplugIO I cant see any option and The Handy isnt moving also. Initface is connected to the game but nothing happens.

Had the same issue but that’s because I skipped the step where you Scan for Devices in Intiface. Once it pops up in there, then you start the game and it’ll show up in mod settings.

As for the updating to v0.2 mod, I had an issue where after the first or second round in combat, my sr6 would no longer respond to battle scripts and home to 100 position. After combat ends, fluffing would start up again but if I get into combat once again, it would immediately get stuck back at 100 position until fluffing returned. I turned off arousal oscillation and still had same issue.


Wait? there are battlescripts? :sweat_smile:

Jokes aside, there is nothing yet for when it comes to combat, and i haven’t touched it yet, the original code just stops the devices as you said, so it’s correct that it stops at the 100 position.

decorate(BattleManager, 'startBattle', function () {
    console.log('Battle started');


Whenever an enemy attacked, my sr6 would do a full thrust for the first turn or two before it would stop at 100 position. If that wasn’t the mod, then I have to assume that the Lovense integration was sending commands to Intiface… weird.