Herephere and pigasus only play one script

No matter what video I play it looks like it loads the correct script but always plays the same wrong one. Happens in herephere and pigasus on oculus 2 but faptap works fine. Latest firmware tried factory resetting handy and redownloading scripts

Same here :confused:

Happens the same for me, even the local Handy player loads the same script. Tried factory reset too and downgrading the version of the firmware but this make the handy unusable. The only thing that works fine are their token scripts ( and faptap as you mention.

Same problem here , im thinking Handy server issue. Keep posted if you get a resolution. :+1:

Firmware rollback seems to have fixed the issue

Hey folks,

We recently ID’ed an issue on the server side that made scripts play incorrectly, are you and the people affected below still having this issue? We applied a fix literally 1-2 hours ago.


All good now , thanks.

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