HereSphere VR Video Player for Quest 2/Pro/3 supports Handy, Keon, Launch and Passthrough

im getting a not supported bluetooth device the key is correct and im in wifi mode connected im using the autoblow ai please help

Are you on the latest version of HereSphere (v0.11.6)? Are you using the Autoblow AI Ultra? How many characters is your connection key (I think the player checks for 12 character connection key for autoblow)? Also, the error should say “Invalid connection key for wifi device”, not “Not supported bluetooth device”. You just need to enter in a connection key, after which the player will try to connect to the device. Do not press the scan bluetooth devices button, because the autoblow AI ultra is not a bluetooth device. Double check the connection key as well. Capitalization matters, though I think autoblow just uses lowercase and numbers.

Im using the demo heresphere my key is 12 characters do i keep perephials enabled or disabled when im connected in the setup complete that im online connection is complete i have to use the ip in the picture to connect everytime my internet says not online i can only connect to one wifi at a time im using my phone am i supposed to connect on the headset or on the phone im using my phone to connect i tried the headset and im connected i can only choose wifi or ab_network

The headset and the autoblow need to both have internet connection. The autoblow’s servers are what controls your device, and HereSphere needs to send the script to those servers. Make sure the synchronized peripherals toggle is enabled and the connection key is correct (the order shouldn’t matter). If you don’t have internet connection, then this will not work. Typically, you use the autoblow wifi setup tool to input your actual router info, so your autoblow can connect to your router.

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you forgot the most important step i got it after everything u have to press the play button for 3 to 4 seconds till it turns blue to connect to wifi it works all set ty

i hope it helps the community

Think about getting the steam version, is the passthrough supported?

Passthrough is sort of supported on PC. HereSphere will replace the background with a solid green color, and then you can use Virtual Desktop on your Quest to replace the green with passthrough. I’d still recommend using the native Quest version if you want the best passthrough experience, though.

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I’m using the steam version and recently an error occurred and I can’t play it.
2025-02-06 204458

Some users are reporting issues with a new graphics driver update for Nvidia. If you’ve recently updated your graphics driver, then rolling it back will probably fix the issue. Apparently there’s a hotfix, but some users are still reporting issues:


I sold my quest 3, only have the pico 4 ultra now. I was hopping the pc version support alpha passthrough…

Passthrough might work if you get Virtual Desktop to stream the PC version of HereSphere to the Pico 4. I haven’t tested it, though. These update release notes have instructions on setting up HereSphere and Virtual Desktop for passthrough: HereSphere VR Video Player - Steam News Hub

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Thanks. I got it to work, but the key bindings are so frustrating. I’ve been at it for 30 minutes and still have no clue how to change the key bindings to how I like them. I literally wanted to smash my controller. How do you change the zoom speed? It’s moving like a dang slug. I also need key bindings for drag dome, just like in DEOvr, where you hold two keys and can drag the person to align them how you want, kind of like recentering. Also, how do I bind recenter to a key? I just need those three things, and I’m golden

About 3/4 down the keybindings list, find the “Increment Origin Forward” keybinding. Adjust the “Scale” value to change the zoom speed. The keybinding “Drag Rotation” allows you to rotate the video with the motion controller rotation. The keybinding “Drag Origin” allows you to zoom in different directions based on the motion controller movement. The keybinding “Reset Orientation” will recenter (default is holding grip button and then pressing the B or Y button if using a Quest controller).

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Just a quick Question. When I convert a mpeg file to mp4 using VLC heresphere still wont play the vid, so im wondering what I might be doing wrong or if using another program like Shutter might allow me to choose a better codec option.?

Oh and thank you for a very awesome program. Its a shame SLR prevents it from working with their site. Its SO much better than Deovr.

I’ve used Handbrake for all of my conversions and haven’t had a problem with them in Heresphere. I’ve never tried anything else so I can’t say anything about VLC or Shutter.

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You can switch frameworks in the settings page. Try the other.

Awesome, that worked. Thank you.

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I have a question: Is there actually a way to change the menu language from English to another language?

Not currently, though I’ll look into adding translations once the new UI is finished.

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Thank you for the answer. You’re doing a great job, I like the video player. I wish you a nice day.