HereSphere VR Video Player for Quest 2/Pro/3 supports Handy, Keon, Launch and Passthrough

I think this is related to that it requires an underscore too in the name (read the whole post here).

Underscores are needed for “LR” and “TB”, though I can add a check for a space or hyphen in addition to an underscore. HereSphere doesn’t have a dedicated screen for selecting videos. You just open up the menu and select a new video from the menu, or press the next icon/shortcut to load the next video in your list. This allows you to have a video playing in the background while browsing for a new video.

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Ok, I confirmed if I rename one file to “some name 180_TB.mp4” it is detected and works.

But I have way too many files to think about changing names. Hopefully this can be fixed as even the various video sites are not consistent with their naming conventions.

This is the format I use, but there are many other formats in use so I would suggest a more robust pattern matching should be employed.

“Some Name LR_180.mp4”
“Some Name TB_180.mp4”
“Some Name MKX200.mp4”

Thanks for your help.

I’ll add checks for spaces and hyphens in addition to underscores before the filename suffix in the next update.

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Maybe this is a bug, or ?

When I name a file “Something 180_LR.mp4” it works and video looks “right” automatically.

When the exact same file is named “Something LR_180.mp4”, and I have to manually select “side by side” and “equirectangular” from the menu, the video is displayed incorrectly (the room in the video is much narrower than it should be). I have tried several videos and they all behave this way?

It’s because the player doesn’t detect the “LR” flag due to it missing an underscore. In addition to selecting side-by-side and equirectangular, you’ll need to also set the aspect ratio to 2. The player will default to an aspect ratio of 1 if it doesn’t detect the LR flag, since it thinks it’s a mono video.

Really great App, I will be buying when you can the ability to connect to synology. I don’t know if its my computer/internet but I’m getting major lag from SMB. Also some vidoes won’t allow me to zoom in and out? They appear locked for image editting. What could be cauing that?

In regards to SMB, a wired connection to the router is best. If you’re still getting speed issues, you could try using xbvr to setup a local http server instead. Else, I’ll be working on DLNA soon.

None of the videos should be locked for editing. It could be you’re playing a flat screen (perspective projection) video, so you won’t get the same VR video settings. If you want to zoom, you can instead change the screen height or distance in the video settings.

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So I am just reading up about this for the first time, and looking to steer to a new app and away from DeoVR. I don’t tend to use demos, so I am a “buy it and use it” guy.

I quickly read through and I see some things that people are saying, and I just want clarification before buying this:

  1. I use XBVR for all my VR videos AND Scripts, will this work seamlessly with it like DeoVR? like I just type my IP address in and go? Will the scripts work from XBVR or Do i need to rename them all? (They are not name matched to their videos since XBVR worked for me)
  2. Answered in another post
  3. Is there a noticeable difference in quality between the native app and the Steam App? Or between DeoVR and HereSphere? I tend to download the higher quality (40+GB) version of videos, and I feel like I don’t see a major difference when using DeoVR… and thats why I’m looking at new apps to try out, but the scripting and XBVR are a must for me.

Edit: Should mention I am using a Quest 2 - Would prefer to use the Quest 2 standalone

Thank you!

Hi. I purchased your player some time ago and it’s great. Any plans to enable use of other toys besides The Handy? I have one, but my favorite right now is the Keon.

it work for me with an old Synology DS214 and a new DS920+…
smb all the way with no lag…

if it was DLNA only i would have pass on buying…

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  1. XBVR works with scripts for the Handy. Type in the IP address, after the page loads, press the icon that looks like a play button with 4 tiles to load the web UI view.
  2. Quest 2 standalone version is probably better with image quality, because the image doesn’t have to be compressed over USB or wifi.

I’d still recommend trying the demo before buying to make sure the app works for you. It has all the features of the paid app.

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Yes, I plan on adding support for other toys in the future, Keon being one of them.


Thank you. I ended up purchasing anyway, just can’t figure out how to install on my device. Can I just go to on my browser and download from there? Or do I have to do abd?

Download the apk from to your PC. Then use sidequest to install the apk to your headset. Follow the advanced tutorial here: SideQuest: Oculus Quest Games & Apps including AppLab Games ( Oculus App Lab )

Alternatively, if you have adb installed, you can use the command prompt.

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My side quest updated to the latest version and it’s not the same setup like I used to do… they made it so you have to install the side quest app on your quest device. I’ll figure it out when I get back on my pc later.

Edit: figured it out. This app works amazing! Is there an easy way to “reset view”? I’m used to moving joystick up or down to change pitch, and now it does this thing where it zooms out/in- which I love. But if I mess it up and want to reset it, does it change automatically when it sees a change in distance, or is there a way to reset view?

Hold the grip, then press B or Y to reset the view (both zoom and orientation). You can hold the trigger and move the controller to drag the video’s rotation.

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i have been trying to stream videos from czech vr alongside scripts i have downloaded to my laptop and transfered to quest 2, but the scripts are not playing. This is for the older scenes that are marked interactive but when i try to stream on heresphere no script loads. The more recent scripted scenes all work with their scipts, just not the older 1s, these scripts play when streaming oculus browser just not on heresphere.
Recent scenes+scripts are streamin fine from CvR. So my issue is just for the ones where i try to stream the scene but with a downloaded script. Im probably doing something really basic wrong on my end. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thinking maybe i need to change the script names but as i downloaded mostly all them from CVR directly i thought they would be correct already. Also the file name when i click on interactive might be wrong as it is showing the name of the folder where i have other scenes + plus their equivelant scipts saved instead of the interactive folder. Those scenes and scripts play fine.

Sorry if this has been asked already i have looked through here and reddit but couldn’t find the answer.

Downloaded scripts only work with downloaded videos, because the filename needs to match. Are you try to get downloaded scripts to work while streaming a video? Streamed videos don’t really have a filename, so it’s difficult to match them with the downloaded script.

Thanks for the fast response, yes that was what I was trying, but no worries.
I will just have to download the scenes as well.

Would like to set up some kind of file sharing at some point to use with heresphere but I need a better pc my old laptop doesn’t have the spec for vr. Waiting hopefully on some good black Friday sales.