Hey all, I’m perfectseason and I’ve been editing HMV’s for a few years now. I recently discovered the world of auto-toys and started getting into funscripts.
I’ve been messing around with a script editor and wanted get some feedback from ya’ll that enjoy HMVs; stuff that might not be obvious or dos and don’ts that would be good to keep in mind. The things that make the best scripts the best in your opinion, things that make it the most fappable, etc.
I’m by no means an amazing editor but I have 3 “virtues” I like to stick to:
Actions gotta sync to the music
Rhythmic music only
Gotta have a good finish
If there’s good or optimal ways I can showcase this in my work, I’d love to hear it. Any other questions or feedback are also welcome.
Wanted to also thank anyone that’s ever made a script for my works, that’s mega cool of you, thanks so much.
And I would agree with you, even with my small amount of experience. I think just as much as HMVs move quickly from different stimuli, the script pattern should as well, even while staying with the beat. Do you have a favorite HMV script you’d recommend?
Can support Akalis pick on that front, especially if you add the multi-axis adaptation on top; is one of my favorite finisherscripts because of that.
There´s just something about those upbeat videos with a few tempo/patternswitches that work really well. And if the editing is done as well on top…
Maybe I look through my collection to add a few favorites of mine later on.
And welcome btw. I´m also more of a lurker, but still