So it just so happens that I have all the things to make a OSR2 but the only servos I have are some cheap ones. I’ve thought about making one as a test run and then maybe getting better ones in the future. My worry is that the servos will die immediately.
9imod digital servos from Ali Express is my go-to. They are very quiet and last quite a while. Cheap servos are loud and overheat a bit quicker, but they work fine. I say use the cheap servos until they die, then replace with better ones.
40kg 180 degrees is what i get.
how often do they die? Also seems like a pain to replace in a session
There is no definitive answer to that. Servos are subject to wear and tear based on how much you use it and how long your sessions are. If you frequently let it overheat, its lifespan is reduced. I’ve had my 9imods for two years on my SR6 before I had to replace one servo going bad. But that’s entirely based off how much I’ve used it, at least once daily for 40 min to an hour.
Servos will start this “bouncing” effect while under load, that means it is starting to reach the end of its life. Essentially, the feedback pot is worn out and the servo is having difficulty to maintain its “neutral” position. The bouncing effect is a warning you need to replace it soon. Once it’s completely worn out, it won’t return to neutral position.
This guy knows what he’s talking about. All great advice from him.
Thanks for the support G90!
Thanks for the advice I think ill get those ones