How can I reduce the file size of scripts?

I have come across a lot of older posts which have a file size of > 1.5 MB.

Most of the time the uploader will have included a reduced version of the funscript but every once in a while i come across one that hasn’t been reduced yet.

My question: could someone explain to me how i could reduce the funscripts myself? The website doesn’t allow filesize > 1.5 MB (or something like that).


You can do this in Liquid’s ScriptPlayer.

File > Open Script > Choose funscript
Script > Save As > Name funscript


Ah awesome, will try that tomorrow thanks!

It wont do anything to the quality of the script in regards to the Handy right?


It shouldn’t change anything. The larger files are produced by JFscripter, which includes raw recordings and metadata on top of the regular point plotting of most funscripts. Scriptplayer scripts that extra information, leaving only the plotted points.

I just posted all raw data until I learned that difference from liquid/realcumber/raser1. The raw files are nice because it gives you more to work with if you want to go back and toy around with the files…the JFplayer and OSR2 can also run on the raw data, giving you a little more precision.

But yes, you won’t change how the scripts run on launch or handy by doing the process described above.


If you use Liquid’s beta scriptplayer that used Gagax’s Handy Support to be built in you won’t even need to bother with reducing file size since you will be skipping using completely so you’d load videos and scripts as normal


I tried this in the past when i just got the Handy but i couldn’t get it to work. I’ll try again thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

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You can use any .funscript in HandyControl. It’s automaticaly converted (reduced) before it’s been sent to Handy. So you don’t have to care about that. I have also included a function in HandyControl that let’s you export the script back to a .funscript file without the rawData in case you want to cut this section off or if you want to convert a .csv file to .funscipt (Right Click / Export / Funscript).

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