[How to] Download Video/Audio from Anywhere

Ok. It’s your topic. Just thought of an easy app that does not require any scripts to setup. The premium part is only for people who have file hoster accounts. The app itself is free. For my part I would not run scripts to download something but thats maybe just me. :laughing:


Fair enough. It’s just a powershell script so you can see what it does. It’s in my gitlab.

# install chocolatey
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

# install dependancies
choco install python peazip nssm

# Microsoft loves to break developers backs
Remove-Item $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python*.exe
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

# install and run youtube-dl server
python -m pip install --pre youtube_dl_server
nssm install ytdlh "Python.exe" "-m youtube_dl_server --number-processes 1"
nssm start ytdlh
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I made a complete rewrite of this guide to include all kinds of options.
Let me know what other sources you guys use so I can add them.

Also if anyone needs help with any of them I’m glad to help with installing/how to use them.


Can you help me download from this site?

I’ve tried tubeoffline, video download helper, and very.ninja. JDownloader used to work but not anymore.

@burtreynolds It looks like they’re hiding playback behind captcha. Most if not all downloaders will likely fail to get the video content.
Based on my script blocking plugins going insane, I’d recommend using a different site.
If you send me a link to a video I can try and grab it for you.

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I did some deeper digging.
This site uses a magento plugin made by a security team in the Netherlands that heavily obfuscates their javascript

The code that streams the video is here:



var pa = document.createElement(‘script’);
var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];
pa.src = ‘https://storage.googleapis.com/loadermain.appspot.com/main.js’;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);

The code in that google link is completely obfuscated. It can be reversed mostly. But it’s clear they decided to screw performance in favor of security.
It likely possible to get the video, but it’s frankly easier to just record the screen at this point.


I figured there wasn’t going to be a good solution. I appreciate you looking into it though.

This site appears to convert many streams, including daftsex.


Thanks, I’ll take a look at adding it.

Thanks for this
I found this site that works for Pornhub, Xvideos, Redtube https://pornhubdownloader.net/

Internet Download Manager is a great tool as well.

I’ve been using 9xbuddy for a few weeks now and it is the best I’ve found so far. It covers many sites and deals with streams well. Also, I found the shortcut very easy to use.

To use the shortcut, put 9xbud.com/ in front of whatever url you have in the address bar. For example, to download a video from PH, use this format:



You can also try Off Liberty… I use it mostly for audio files from soundcloud, but it works for video streams sometimes too.

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I’ll eventually add this, this looks cool. Even has a bookmarklet.

Recently I was digging around to learn more about Youtube downloader (youtube-dl) and found it’s basically a dead project. Might still work but not really supported. New fork is yt-dlp and with that is a GUI called media-downloader. Have seen good success with it and it’s open source, downside is that it’s not super intuitive until you do it a few times. Just posting in case it’s worth adding to your list. Cheers.

What makes you think youtube-dl is a dead project?
It’s still actively maintained.
yt-dlp is nice. it’s like youtube-dl but with some creature comforts and bugfixes.
I’m all for frontends but most of the time they aren’t feature complete. I’ll look into this one thanks.

update: Looked into it, it looks good. Still nowhere near feature complete, but I think this will be good enough for the list. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Regarding why I think youtube-dl is dead (or at least dormant):

As you said yt-dlp fork is more active and updated. I found this GUI while researching both and yes while not fully 100% awesome it’s actually proven to work quite well in my experience. Open source, free-as-in-beer, no bloatware. I’m by no means an expert or claiming it’s the only tool to use, just another one in the toolbox. Cheers.

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Hello all :wave:

I recently found a browser extension for Chrome that allows you to download videos delivered via HTTP streaming (HLS) from almost anywhere. With HLS, the videos are divided into many segments of the same size that are transmitted one after the other. That’s why the trick of finding and downloading the source file via the network tab doesn’t work there.

With this plugin you can record any stream in record time and save it as MP4. I find it quite useful and thought that I this thread is a place where this tool one should be mentioned.

The plugin allows downloads from sites like Pornez or XVideos in best quality and without accounts.

I hope this helps one or the other :smiley:


Thanks for this I’ll add to the article.
edit: I won’t add this to the article, the method it uses is sketchy and depends on a users computer capabilities to grab it in full quality.
Video Download Helper (in the above article) will do the same and has more capabilities.
Use that instead.


here’s an app for bypassing mega.co.nz download limit (after you’ve imported a scene to your own account ofc)


step 1. download and extract, run bat to launch. Youll get hit with a warning about missing an API key. I ignore the API warning, never included one, and have never had an issue.

step 2. copy and paste the proxy list from here (it changes every few hours) into the ‘smart proxy’ box in the settings menu and hit save.

step 3. copy and paste mega link into the app with file >> new download


if the bypass ever stops working try updating the app and grabbing a new proxy list from the link.