How to find an Clean audio of Youtube Music Videos

>> Intro

Ever wanted to have the clean audio of an music video on youtube which has like intro/end credits talking going on or other audio disturbances if they have a story ongoing?
Well let me show you how…

>> The example used

For this guide I’ll be using: Outkast’s Hey Ya! Music video as my example since it starts off with an massively long 1 minute and 8 seconds long introduction. But also constantly throughout the song there’s cheering/screeming along with other sounds in the background of it all which sometimes is louder than the music itself like at 4 minutes roughly. Finally it also has a fading out of the video ending with the music doing the same.

>> Step 1

So what’s first? Well go to the youtube’s URL: and replace the www at the start with music so it turns into and hit enter.

>> Step 2

Now you’ll find yourself on a side of youtube you may have repressed…youtube music. Where you’ll find the UI to be maybe confusing but don’t worry for this next step just look at the middle bottom of the screen and click on this circled bit (artist’s name): image

>> Step 3

As a result you’ll be taken to the artist’s youtube music homepage where you can view all their released songs and oh hey there’s “Hey Ya!”:

>> Step 4

Twice…hum well here’s a slightly troublesome bit that’s up to you to deal with…oh and brace your ears…as when you click on one of those versions the song will start instantly and be the song’s true version with none of that nonsense. So give it a listen and choose which one you want to download/save in your NORMAL youtube account.



>> Step 5

Yep there’s a bit more as well remember that first step? We’re going to reverse it by taking the URL we got now: and switching music with www to get , enter aaaannnndddddd…

>> Step 6

Now your on the youtube side of the Outkast’s music playlist that’s unlisted and also where you can now hit save to playlist for this specific song and wubam…you can download the song via your generic youtube downloader programs.

>> Just to note

Course you can and should just buy the song yourself and download it officially and should do that so you have a legal copy…which I endorse you to do instead of pirate it. But through this you can make your perfect youtube playlist where you don’t have those screaming girls or LENGTH intro’s to the songs you love.

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I just so happen to be an avid user of YouTube Music, so none of this is news to me (but I appreciate the information being propagated) xP

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Yep I didn’t realize about it till I accidentally found it via copying and pasting the wrong url stuff into the music side and questioning it. There’s nothing to hint towards it as well…but also youtube does seem to want to keep it hidden that it’s music side really is useless since that stuff was accessible prior to it (although playlists were hidden)…however due to the music side being made the hidden playlist were made accessible once more though a bit finicky to get to.

I also think an good coder would be able to make it possible to just input the youtube music video link and then spurt out the clean audio version so you don’t have to manually do the looking/checking yourself except for exception circumstances.

Youtube being youtube with it’s poorly thought out updates and such. (still want the v2 days back when the first interface was updated slightly but still kept creator background images and such)

YouTube Music has a couple of neat features. One of them is that they actually offer higher audio quality than the same video through the regular YouTube player (access to less lossy audio from the compression)

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