How to generate Funscript "automagically" from CockHero beat file or visual beat meter?


I seem to remember that some funscript creators had a method to create funscripts from CH beat files of from the visual beat meters within the video itself. I searched for SW that might be able to do this. I found over on Milovana a thread that referenced ScriptPlayer Video Sync but it looks like that is no longer released.

Is there anything else that could help with this task?


Hi Nylon,

I’ve been playing around with some of these tools as well, to learn about what exists out there. Don’t know if it will help, but here are my two cents:

Scriptplayer.VideoSync is part of Fred Tungstens’s Scriptplayer repo, but IIRC I had to build it in Visual Studio since it isn’t included in the release .exe file.
I’ve written down some notes concerning its use, though. If you are interested in simple, same-length strokes it works well enough. If you want to include patterns or especially when using speed limitations, then just by nature of the difference between the beat frequency and the video framerate, you’ll get different stroke lengths within the same pattern. In the case of limiting top and low points, it ends up with different speeds, which if exceeding your device’s limits will also result in different stroke lengths. So you’ll have to manually sync them first, if you want full control. (E.g. through ‘equalize’ within a uniform pattern). Still worth it though.

In the same Milovana thread you’ll find a description for ‘Funscript Generator’ for when you have a beat-track. IIRC it is pre-built. Depending on the audio file and the actual ‘click’ or ‘beat’ sound, you’ll encounter some of the same effects when limiting speed/positions. If you’re handy with an Audio Editing tool like Audacity you can edit the beat-track first (applying filters, gains, etc.) to make the beats ‘sharp’ in order to mitigate this. Or if you’re brave, you can try to generate a beat file from the original video’s audio. Provided of course, that the video has the audio, beats and beat bar in sync, which makes manual correction necessary by default.

In any case I didn’t get around manually syncing the beats to the audio in OFS before applying any limits using the Temp/BPM view. But of course any other method would necessitate it too, so it’s a big help still.

I wrote my own software to do this. The part that reads a video to extract beats is convoluted and unfit for sharing. I hard-code each video that I work with into the program, and the video itself is first converted to individual frames cropped to the beat indicator. It’s a very fiddly process, especially with videos that change the appearance of the beat indicator frequently, or just have it blended into a widely varying background.

The part that converts a beat file (i.e. a list of time codes, one per line) into a Funscript is much simpler. I wrote that in REXX, and if you’re interested in that part, I have no problem sharing it. It would require you download and install the Object REXX interpreter, and be willing to stumble around a command line console to actually use it.

I remember reading about another approach that uses AutoHotKey to track the colour of the beat indicator and insert key strokes into OFS…
Found the post:

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