I can no longer get Intiface to work. It's just a blank, empty window [SOLVED]

I was having this same problem some time ago (here’s my original post from two years ago), and since I couldn’t get it resolved I just uninstalled and stopped using Intiface. Since I’m getting an SR1 I wanted to give Intiface another try. I did a fresh download and install which had a very new look, and everything was working fine. Then it had an update for a new version so I installed the update. Now whenever I open Intiface, it just shows a blank window. Everything in the bar at the top of the window is normal. It says “intiface_central” with the new logo on the left side, and on the right side are the usual minimize, maximize, and close buttons. Everything else in the window is blank. It’s just white. Task manager doesn’t say it’s not responding, and it’s not frozen. I can drag the window around and change its size. There’s just nothing in it, and as far as I can tell, I’m not clicking anything in it.

Obviously I thought to uninstall and reinstall the previous version since this problem showed up again after an update, but now it won’t let me uninstall it. When I click uninstall from the start menu, I get this message “You do not have sufficient access to uninstall Intiface Central. Please contact your system administrator.” Unless there’s someone else in my home that I’m unaware of, I should be the system administrator.

I have found similar results googling this problem, but I have only found one solution and it did not work for me. This appears to be the same problem that I’m having except for me Intiface is the only app that does this. This is the only solution I’ve found offered for these problems. I followed these instructions exactly, but in the end it found no corrupted files.

At this point I don’t know what else I can do except get another computer. Can anyone help me please?

Edit: Here’s the solution from the buttplug.io forum,
“Try deleting the configuration directory. Assuming you’re on windows, it should be at c:\Users[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\com.nonpolynomial\intiface-central or something like that.”
Intiface was also installing its program folder in AppData/Roaming. Before deleting the above folder with the configuration directory, I installed Intiface in C:/.

Let’s get in some system information first.

What OS are you on? Windows? 10? 11?
Laptop or desktop PC?
Do you have more than one hard drive? If yes, did you try to install it on another hard drive?
Did you try open Intiface as an admin? Right click → start as an administrator
Are you sure you admin rights on your PC and it’s not a guest account? Check under “System” and then “Accounts” and see if “Administrator” is under your name.
Do you have any third party anti virus software installed?

Try running the uninstaller EXE as admin. It should be named “unins000.exe”, and located inside your intiface install folder. That may solve this issue. If not, let me know.

I’m assuming you know how to find that folder, but if now, I can help.

Windows 10
Only one hard drive.
I’ve tried to run Intiface as an admin and no change.
Under “Accounts” it says "Administrator under my name.
I do have a third party anti virus software. I’ve tried turning it off before running Intiface, but there was no change.

I forgot to include that yes I tried that even as administrator. Either way, I get this message, “Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.”

Are you able to just straight up delete the folder? Or at least its contents? Maybe you can find what file is blocking by trying that.

I deleted the entire folder without issue. Then I installed the previous version of Intiface that worked for me, but I’m still getting a blank window.

That folder is in AppData/Roaming which seems kind of weird to me. I did a search of my entire system, but it’s all in that one folder.

Hm, I think the new installer lets you chose a custom path, no? Maybe try installing it somewhere else temporarily, then running the intiface exe from that new folder. Maybe it just has some weird file its trying to associate with in the old install path?

If that doesn’t work, go into the buttplug.io discord and try to make a new support thread. Heres the link to that if you arent already in it:

I cut and pasted the folder into the ProgramFiles folder, and when I clicked on unins000.exe it actually asked if I really wanted to uninstall instead of that weird message. I clicked yes, but it only uninstalled unins000.exe and unins000.dat so I deleted the rest of the folder. I ran the install exe again. It wouldn’t let me install in ProgramFiles or ProgramFiles(86), but it did let me install in C:. I turned off antivirus, opened, blank window, opened as admin, still blank window.

Check this thread maybe it will help:

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Holy crap that worked. All I had to do was delete this folder “c:\Users[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\com.nonpolynomial.” I guess every time I searched for intiface on my system I missed the second intiface_central folder in AppData/Roaming because it was hiding in that sneaky com.nonpolynomial folder. I even updated it to current version without issue.

Thanks for the help @sentinel @mememan2010 @Slibowitz!

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Glad that worked! Yeah, usually apps cache stuff in appdata (such as configs). Makes sense that it persisted if the uninstall didn’t work fully. Glad its all working now though!

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Good it worked. It’s good to sometimes to go the AppData folder and delete some old folders. When you uninstall programs, they are often not fully uninstalled and there are still folders in AppData or even in the Programm folder. It saves up some space and prevents issues like that.

Yeah, I just never would have thought to look for more intiface files in a folder called “com.nonpolynomial” especially since there was a more obvious folder called “intiface_central” already in AppData.

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