Hi, I am new here and this is my first post here in this forum.
I’ve downloaded the example “Clipboard2010933.funscript” file from @Lucifie on the top.
I took a look at the file with simple Notepad-Editor and it seems very self-explanatory to me.
Here is a cut out of the first part:
As you can see there is a bunch “unimportant” (for the Handy to work) stuff first and the script itself starts at this part:
and there inside is only one repeating thing:
The first number (here 80, 43,…0, 100) is the Position of the Handy and can be 0 to 100, where 0 is all the way down and 100 all the way up. I think it’s % of the total possible Length. (115mm for the Handy?)
The second number (here 0, 1496, 2989,…1316148, 1316315) is just the total time in milliseconds. (1sec = 1000ms)
I was reading this for some reference:
So first position will be at 80% up at Time 0.
Next position will be at 43% up after 1,496s from 0.
Next position will be at 43% up after 2,989s from 0.
Next position will be at 0% up after 1316,148s from 0.
And the last position will be at 100% up after 1316,315s from 0. (= ~22min)
If you want it simpler without all the Brackets and quota ({“”:“”,“”:“”},{[“”:“”,“”:“”]}) stuff you can convert “.funscipt” files on handyfeeling.com into simpler “.csv” files, which are looking as followed:
It can happen that some “.csv” files are shown different like this:
This is simply because there is only a “Line Feed” character instead of “Line Feed+Carriage Return” characters.
So no more information than position and time in the “.funscript”/“.cvs” files that the Handy is using to work. All other things like speed and pause is a direct product of the “when,where”.
I hope this info is somewhat helpfull for other newbees here.