Improved Hold for Handy Sleeves - Sunshine Review

The strap system for holding sleeves on the handy has pros and cons and I’ve often wondered if there’s a better way. There’s been many attempts to improve on the mounting system but recently a holder you can 3d print has come out that I find works well.

If you’re not on the handy Discord server, and you’re interested in this type of thing, then I highly recommend joining. The design is called the “sunshine” and is a joint effort between a number of designers and testers on the discord that is organized by abdulisquitehandy. The newest version provides a mount that slides onto the handy slider and locks in. The cylindrical portion that holds the sleeve is split and hinged with hooks around the outside for rubber bands so you can adjust the pressure holding the sleeve. There are plastic bumps on the side against the sleeve to improve holding but I found that adding some silicone improved holding better for the softer sleeves like the gen2. There’s also a sunshine with a smooth inside which I put silicone stripes on and have found it to work best for me.

The adapter stl print file is available in many versions (See the update below, they are no longer on Thingiverse). I’ve found the ones that slide on are much better than the clip on ones.

Update - February 2025: The creator of these sleeve holders has decided to monetize his .stl files so they are no longer available for free on Thingiverse. He is in the process of moving his files over to Cults3d and if you are interested they will be for sale on that site.


Thanks for the great review! It’s an evolving innovation and hopefully will get even better in the next iteration too. Thanks again :saluting_face:

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Dude THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS! I was just looking for something like this

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I’m in the process of ordering them to be made, but I’m not sure how this clips onto the Handy. There seems to be an older version that clips on and stays via pressure, but this one looks like it slides on. How does it stay on and not slide off? Is it a tight fit?

The slide on is the way to go, imho. It is very tight, especially the first time you put it on the slider. You’ll have to pinch the slider together to get it to go into the slots on the sunshine. Near the top of the sunshine slots that the handy slider fits into there’s a small “tab” on the inside and when you push the sunshine fully on you will hear a small click when that gets to the top of the slide, that’s what “locks” it in. It can be mounted on the slider in either direction, whatever you prefer. The first few times you slide it on and off it’s very tight but then it gets much easier. Just make sure that you’re holding pressure on the opposite end of the handy slider so you’re not putting all the pressure on the arm going from the slider inside to the handy lead screw when you’re putting the sunshine on and off.

If you’re ordering one to be made I suggest petg for the material, 20% infill, and the scale is in millimeters. I own my own printer so not sure what else you need to specify but that should get you started.


Thanks for getting back to me, man! I got two 53mm Sunshine sleeves and one 70mm. All three are PETG with 40% infill (not sure if that matters – I wasn’t sure what this meant, lol. Hope 40% is okay).

I mainly use a Quickshot Turbo, which seems to work great for the 53mm. Have you used a TENGA Spinner for these? If so, how did it go? I got an extra 70mm for it. I love the TENGA Spinners, but they notoriously slip out because of the suction and twisting.

The 40% infill is fine. It just means the amount of material inside the print. Normally you would not print a solid object, 100% infill, because it’s just as strong at a lesser amount and uses much less material.

I’ve mainly used the handy sleeves but have a few no name sleeves that work. If you still have a problem with slipping I found that putting some silicone sealant on the inside surface of the sunshine really helps. I used a silicone made for sealing aquarium glass, which is what I had on hand, and it’s been good. You just put some on the inside of the sunshine and let it dry overnight and it sticks permanently to the sunshine and provides a little extra grip on the sleeve, like the silicone stripes on the inside of the pro strap. I asked them to make the smooth inside sunshine for me and they did so I can put the silicone on a little easier, it’s pretty messy on the sleeves with the bumps inside but it does work.

I’ve been looking for an alternate hold to grip onto an onahole but I am too retarded to know which of these things I should print, and if the install is easy :rofl:

It may not be big enough for an onahole. The diameter inside the sleeve holder part is ~45mm minimum and it can open as far as you want but it’s hinged so the further you open it the less grip it’s going to have. Then there’s also the weight issue.

As an alternative, I believe somebody on the discord also developed an adapter for the handy slider to lengthen it and provide room for a second strap which may be a better choice for an onahole.

Theres some vids here that can be helpful - for a onahole, i’d go 70mm slide on or clip on: both have that initial resistance to fit but soon mold in perfectly.

Check out the handy discord for more info and context

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Thanks for the tip! I successfully printed and tested another, simpler model (just a tube with a hinge - I believe it was an earlier version of the current project). In my opinion, the accessory helps improve the experience provided by the Handy by allowing a more effective transfer of movement to the glove.

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Awesome, yes there are many versions right - Which one did you have success with? I guess a clip on rather than the slide on. If you want the one you printed to be updated to be a slide on too, please let me know and I will update at the next opportunity.


Yes, a clip-on model. Now I have printed and tested the slide-on model too, it is more practical. Thank you!

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