I have been a member of this forum for some time now. I quickly realized when I became a member that I would be a costumer rather than a scripter. In addition to my SLR subscription, I think I have used around 200€ on scripts mainly on GR.
I have used the “Request Script” two times and both times I got some fine (free) scripts from damunkys and ridiculoid.
Yesterday I thought would try my luck a third time. And requested a script for a VR-scene of around 40 mins. Less than a day after @timmaerevoet writes me and we have the following exhange:
(link to request)
I can do it for 60€ if you want
I usually pay 2-6€ on GR which I think is fair (and I got safety in the transaction).
Another thing is quality: If I buy a script for 4$ and it is bad, I can live with it. If i buy something from you for 60€ and it is a 40 min stochastic up-and-down-fest, I am just a fool. And when I look at your portefolio I see no indications that a 40 min script from you would be worth that much (some of the more seasoned scripters, who has some longer scripts might spark my interest, but still…60€??).
When I request a script my (very small) contribution to the community is to point to a video/scene that I think is good. If a scripter is the first to do a good scene. I am happy to pay what I usually do, and hope that the scripter makes som money because it is a good scene.
I think your offer is curious. And I plan on getting a general opinion about it. Is it ok if I tag you In a general discussion about this kind of offer?
Hi Seraph, off course you can tag me and make a general discussion about it.
If you are interested in my scripts you can see them here: [https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/piano-scripter-script-index-scripts/82025/90 ](https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/piano-scripter-script-index-scripts/82025/90 ](https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/piano-scripter-script-index-scripts/82025/90))
I don’t know where you could see or not a see that a 40min. script from me is worth it. Its a good question but I guess because I have a lot of customers that order more then 1 script from me they will appreciate it.
The price for a requested script is just higher because it needs to be made on request. The price on gumroad is lower because the return on investment is easier.
It takes a lot of time to make a quality script so thats the reason behind the price calculation. I guess I’m still cheap for the quality I make in comparison to others.
Tx for the response
[I included the full convo to be fair to timmavoet]
My point is really in the conversation. As a costumer it is a big amount of money to spend on something you dont know the quality of from someone you dont know (yes I get theres a list of scripts, but nothing in my “top preferance department” so to speak. And I would have to believe the 40 min script I paid for would match the quality of the listed items).
I get that as a scripter you want to get paid, but I guess (?) that most people are not willing to pay such an amount on such a insecure basis. So I think this is also bad for business.
My suggestion is to add another button to the current voting system: The “I- would-PAY-a-reasonable amount for the script”- button. I know that it would be both inaccurate (and exploitable in theory) but at least it could give the scripters some idea if making a certain script will be worth it.
Sorry for the long post. And sorry if this suggestion have been brougth up before and deemed stupid