Japanese ASMR Audio(mostly hentai based)


So I recently discovered on dlsite that the nipponic world has a ton of Voice/Asmr posts, a total rabbit hole of any type of content, content of the highest quality(much more than the gonewildaudio/western ones in my biased opinion, thing I didn’t know possible).
I was first attracted by the beautiful illustrations, like these :




and so I wanted to ask how many of you would be interested in scripts for these and in this content in general?

There is almost no content of this type here, sadly, except from some random videos and maybe some audio, mostly from gonewildaudio.

I don’t know almost any japanese(for now) so I’ll go with those with less dialogue and I’ve never scripted anything so be aware that it’ll suck probably.

I still plan on scripting something for me but if more people are interested I may even receive suggestions.

This will probably be the first audio I’ll script, feel free to send me other suggestions

Here is the poll :

  • I’m desperate for this content
  • I’m really interested, dig this content
  • I don’t care
0 voters

Interested in general but less so in deep voice stuff.

Glad to see someone is talking about this. I’ve been hearing a lot of these Japanese “ASMR” for a few years and would really like to actually have them made into scripts.

You can also search for more voices via this website hvdb.me where it serves as a reference for various works by looking up their RJ code.

Also, this post where one of my favourite circle “テグラユウキ” was made into a script.

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Yeah, hope we’ll see more, japanese VA are really talented, sometimes they scare me

Thank you, didn’t know this site.
You seem more knowleadgeable than me, do you know any audios with little to no dialogue? I’m starting to learn japanese and I hate not understanding anything.

A few works from the circle “テグラユウキ that has very little to no dialogue such as:

  • RJ303021
  • RJ307037
  • RJ314251
  • RJ308830

And some of my favourites from various circle and VAs;

  • RJ343158
  • RJ296821
  • RJ300204
  • RJ282759
  • RJ361234
  • RJ01007224
  • RJ01065422

You can always listen to the samples and usually the track list are listed in dlsite and you can translate with DeepL or Google translate to get a gist of what will happen on a track. Just replace the RJ code with the ones that you are interested in from dlsite links like:
dlsite(dot)com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ CODE HERE.html

Also I can provide download links on some voices since I have some of these and more that I didn’t list if you’re interested

Thanks you I’ll check em

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I am really interested in ASMR stuff, but I’d prefer if you prioritized works that already have english translations in some capacity.

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Someone trained WhisperAI to generate Chinese lyrics directly from Japanese audio.

Here’s the app: https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/script-collab-kenzsoft-secret-atelier-1hr-19min-4-4-all-complete/128339/62?u=falafel

Some example of results, translated into English with DeepL:

Can probably train the same thing with an English dataset.

yeah After I finish those with no dialogue I’ll probably go there first

Interesting thanks, not sure if I’ll use it tho cause I don’t like to read while listening but it’ll prove useful for some folks here