JoyFunScripter 0.13.1 - Make your own scripts!

Check the HowTo section of this forum. There are written and video guides there.

thank you very much​:handshake::handshake::handshake:

I have a problem and I haven’t even started yet

I’m going through all the documentation on OFS and JFS and I’m not seeing where or if either allows you to view your script timeline alongside an audio waveform timeline. Are you guys being serious, no one has thought to make the audio wave form visible on the timeline in any of these script editors? Did we just rule out the idea people would want to sync their toys to a beats track and enjoy the visible reference for exact toy-beat matching? I don’t want to be snotty about it, but I feel like posting that IQs dropping suddenly meme from Aliens, I made a beats track for my latest Cock Hero thinking I was gonna sync it to a funscript easily, because, you know, every beat is frame-accurate sync’d to the video in all my projects as it is for anyone making solid pmv’s, but not so I guess. Am I missing something?

In OFS you have this on right click:

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I just downloaded the entire ZIP of OFS, I don’t even know how to install the application or open it to begin with. Got any advise? Because I have a script I wish to cut and crop in certain sections.

You can open a topic in Help if you need help.
Keep this thread relevant to JFS.