Loli / shota debate containment thread

Oh cool an actually good loli chart that isn’t just coping about Tatsumaki and Rebecca lol

Trust me, even if someone were to upload a live-action video here involving someone who is clearly a minor, it would be removed and that person would be banned SO FAST. For example, there were a couple times within the last year or two where someone uploaded videos involving toddlercon (very clearly animated and not realistic thankfully). There isn’t even anything explicitly against it in the rules, yet they were flagged and taken down within hours. Once the mods decide on what is and isn’t loli and make it clear in the rules, it’s going to be under so much scrutiny that there’s really no risk of “one shitty person” causing the website actual legal issues.


Also if we’re talking about the “morality” of pornography, I thought I might as well bring up a counter-point to all those trying to imply that there are any kind of victims as a result of animated porn.

Doesn’t anyone else find it really ironic that there is so much debate and concern about content where it is literally impossible for there to be a victim (except maybe in fringe cases where a real minor’s likeness was used), and little to no concern about the “perfectly legal” live-action videos involving 18-year old girls that are prevalent on this website, where we just have to “trust” that the actor is of legal age and was not coerced into sex?

These videos involve real human beings as potential victims. In a perfect world this might not bother me much, but more and more porn actors are coming out with stories showing how the mainstream porn industry is coercive, abusive, and just predatory as hell. This makes it an especially terrible place for someone who just left or is potentially still in high school.

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it were discovered later on that some of them were a year or two under 18 while performing, though I will admit that’s pure speculation. In any case, after learning how fucked up much of the porn industry is, I feel genuine concern for porn actors/ actresses of ANY AGE. There is no way that every single actor featured on this site completely consented to every act that happened in their videos.


it’s unfortunately and disgustingly rather common

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Just two books that had relevant analysis on the subject (they are a bit dated to be fair, but so is this nonsensical debate).

it’s like we’re speaking to gta v npcs sometimes


Also want to point out, as someone who doesn’t mind loli/shota stuff, I cannot for the life of me imagine liking artwork, and also liking irl young’ns because of it. Like where is the commonality aside from supposed ages? They look nothing alike. Seriously, if anybody says that the top row of characters from the first post’s chart looks like a real person, they are either trolling or blind… Even the 3D stuff doesn’t come close.
Unless somebody likes it due to the ageplay kink, I don’t get it…


we like cunny cuz its cunny the art styles th way the stuff id drawn but most importantly everyone who likes loli probably also likes hentai. thats the correlation it has nothing to do with actual children. and the pedo sick fucks who like drawn shit like shit that is very realistically styled to look like an actual child thats the difference


Also because sometimes it’s also easier to search for that and get petite/athletic bodies instead of oversized ones or everything is good till it comes to their ass and breasts which look like they got balloons in them. There’s more than a few examples of petite tagged videos having arguably C-D cups if not more on hentai or porn sites.


Great Read image

Chapter 6: The Emergence of the Phallic Girls


This is the same argument people have used to argue for a ban on first-person shooters. It’ll only take one sicko with a gun and games get banned, right? Well, no. First-person shooters promote violence, right? Also no.

The whole argument just doesn’t work unless you can prove a casual relationship between access to fictional loli content and child abuse. Good luck with that.


A 2d loli is not actually a child or a kid, nor are they underage. They don’t exist so they actually can’t have any of those things, they are fictional(not-real) art with labels applied to them by their creator and we apply our own labels based on real life.

Imagining things that don’t actually exist and will never exist is a typical :arrow_left: twitter user move who conflates reality with with their ideals imagination :rainbow::magic_wand: :woman_elf:.


Coming back to this, I honestly get a lot of points here and think people misunderstood some of mine. I’m not arguing that there’s a direct causation here. The violent video games analogy was great, because in the same way, it does not directly cause violent acts, and the reason violent people play violent video games is because they’re violent in the first place.

Mostly it just makes me personally uncomfortable. Like I know there are a shitload of weird-ass fetishes out there and I don’t expect the vast majority of coprophiles to actually be out there getting hepatitis lmao, but the fact that these characters were stylistically chosen to appear as a child sets off alarm bells in my head. Again, I concede that that’s a personal thing. I’ve been through some fucked up shit, and I have VERY strong reactions to anything that looks like child abuse. That’s what it looks like to me, and many, many other people in the world.

As for the age 18 thing, I see it as a bit of a grey area. Legal adulthood but the brain isn’t fully developed and the person is usually not particularly capable of wise and informed decisions, including those to consent to sex with someone older than them. I’m only 23 and I still see the age gap as problematic, because I want to relate to my sexual partner on a psychological level and that’s just not happening with a teenager.

Mainly I’m disappointed with how angry I’m seeing people get about this. Being inflammatory is not convincing anyone, and I haven’t directly accused anyone of anything. Frankly not replying to me would be wiser because it makes you look defensive and suspect when I wasn’t even talking to you or about you. This isn’t personal.


Theres also an inherent and foundational or engrained behavior for a man to find the most fit mate. This would be a woman thats younger rather than older. It’s perfectly normal to be attracted to it. You cant really help the thought to varying degrees.

What you can help though is the actions. And that’s where I think some people have trouble with it all. There are some cases where people cannot control themselves and are essentially weak. They act upon those thoughts, this isn’t ok. There is a clear line.

So we as a society have agreed that its better to keep children safe rather than indulge the desires and fantasies of men. Because it is better safe than sorry.

I agree with this. While sure we may have varying degrees of attraction. And just because one does look does not mean at all they will act. To be very clear.
I think the vast majority of men are capable of suppressing and holding back without any issue.

I am specifically targeting those who cant. I would prefer to protect children against those weak minded, weak willed, and cognitively handicapped men. Rather than let men indulge there desires in one way or another. Even if it starts out as just harmless animated porn. The risk is too large and not worth it.

As a man you should be first and foremost a protector of women. You are the rock. If you must sacrifice for them, then so be it

Included shota to the topic.

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Do you have any evidence that banning animated loli content would protect children against “weak-willed and cognitively handicapped men”?

Why wouldn’t it be the other way around? i.e., men and woman who feel sexually attracted to underage bodies will choose the easiest path to satisfy their urges, such as animated loli content. If animated loli content isn’t available, perhaps they will look a little bit harder for other options.

Violent games don’t result in increased gun misuse. Porn access doesn’t result in increased rape. Why would your default assumption be that banning loli content reduces child harm?


When you are 40 years old, you must give in and only be interested in hags.
Don’t look at the chart, it’s a trick!

And definitely don’t look at this one :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


My assumption is that the phenomena behind these data stem largely from men as a demographic having a tendency to prioritize looks over basically anything else?


Yeah, we call that a biological response that biological men have.
You can intellectually and socially be attracted to different things than you’re physically attracted to, but that’s more a socialized and cognitive thing.

For example, I used to be attracted to tattoos until I learned how much of a tramp stamp and indication of promiscuous and rash behavior it was, and a red flag, so over time now I see it as a turnoff.


The full study from the illya picture for anyone interested

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