Loli / shota debate containment thread

You know as well as I do no study has been done in such a way, so asking for that data isn’t a valid rebuttal. There isnt a way to acquire that data and Its unreasonable to ask for.

I am speaking towards common sense, logic, and rational thinking to understand how such a relationship can be made right?

There COULD be a relationship. There COULD be a problem for someone. In no way does this mean its common. In no way does this mean its you. In no way does this mean its anyone here.

Humans are inherently evil. All of us have the same potential capacity as one another. Imagine the most evil among us that has ever lived. You, I, everyone have that same potential capacity for evil, anger, pain, hurt, sadness, etc…
We should be aware of this and cautious and protect our innocent and defenseless against the ones who cannot control themselves.

So because there is a risk, because we understand the underlying, gritty, unforgiving, relentless, dark that the human mind can descend into. Because we have lived through the evil, seen men act upon that evil, hurt the innocent and infect those around them. Because we do not want to repeat our past. Because there are those of us who need to be protected. We should therefore take some degree of caution and show some restraint. Our preferences or desires are not more important than the safety of our innocent and defenseless.

edit: go look at my portfolio. Im arguing from a stance where I am fully aware of what I prefer.

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Speak for yourself my guy.

That all just reads as fearmongering bait, but I’ll bite.

Are you trying to suggest that if a tiny portion of the population has an “evil” (whatever the fuck that means) reaction to something, it should be taken away from everyone else? Because damn, there goes everything fun that has ever existed.


What kind of study are you talking about?

Multiple studies have been done showing attempting to show some kind of causation between video games and violent behavior with very mixed results and staunch criticism when peer reviewed, because they show a correlation between kids who had a lot of exposure to or played a lot of horror games and those who have behavioral problems. What they have failed to do is show any evidence of actual causation between violent games and violent behavior, and any truly dedicated scientist/ researcher knows that:

Correlation =/= Causation

It’s one of the biggest misconceptions in the modern world I think. If a child was predisposed to have violent behaviors or had influences that have proven to have a causal relationship with real violence (such as being brought up in a physically abusive household), wouldn’t it make sense that they would gravitate more towards violent media? It is a completely illogical leap to assert that the opposite is true, i. e., that exposure to violent media leads to a higher likelihood of actual violent acts and attitudes.

The same goes true for any assertion about attraction to loli/shota and likelihood of being an actual child abuser. I’m sure lots of people who are child abusers will also look at animated porn of kids, but it is a logical fallacy to assert the opposite, and at least one study was done on this specifically, shared by @ATFM a few posts back:

Also an interesting aside, this next study showed CONSISTENTLY in places where porn is more available, rates of rape were lower than in countries where it was not. I’d take it with a grain of salt as it’s a bit outdated, but still worth considering:

Here’s one that’s a bit newer and shows the same trends: The Sunny Side of Smut | Scientific American


Actually no. Such studies have been done and have either found no relation or a negative correlation. wikipedia cites one study showing a negative correlation between availability of child pornography and child abuse. Obviously, this is low quality evidence following a correlational study, but it is evidence, and it points in exactly the opposite direction that you’re arguing for.

I am speaking towards common sense, logic and rational thinking to understand how a negative relationship between the availability of loli content and child abuse can be made, right?

The remainder of your post is, if I may say so, missing the point. You don’t need to convince anyone that children need some form of protection, or that degenerate human beings exist. That’s not the disagreement here. The disagreement is on whether banning loli content is an instrument that actually protects children, because one could certainly argue a ban would make it worse. You seem to speak, with confidence, that the effects of a ban are either zero or a reduction in child abuse… that confidence is misguided. At best you can argue the ban is a good idea because maybe the hypothesis that it reduces child abuse is marginally more likely than the hypothesis that it just makes it worse.


men like what they see, women like what they hear. this is why women wear makeup and men lie.


That first one is a sample size of only 80 people. And it makes some really bold claims. I said most people are capable of controlling themselves. Its the small few who cant that are the problem. The statement they make is just insane.

So lets imagine someone who is maybe a bit messed up in the head. He likes this kind of thing and has maybe had some violent thoughts. We all know from experience that when you do things more without moderation then we seek greater and larger amounts of whatever it was we sought. This goes for any type of addiction or thing that we enjoy. Its a curse really. So its only logical to assume that there is some risk to allowing some people to become more and more used to such a topic and which builds up “tolerances” and they will seek larger and larger amounts of it.

We cant deny that there is logical and rational truth to the potential danger of enabling some people access to view such things. Regardless of whether or not its common. The simple fact that it can happen and the repercussions of it happening are dark enough that we as a society put it in a place that we do.

I am very well aware of “everything in moderation” and how quickly things can get out of control. My weakness, naivety, and stupidity lead me to a waste more than a decade and a life full of regret. It’s ok for society to attempt to keep each other from going down those pathways of regret. Sometimes they may not work, people will always get through. But a little bit of accountability, public shame, and understanding of the capacity for evil is not a bad thing.

So while I do see your point and I’m not saying im entirely for banning it. Im just saying some degree of moderation and limits aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Its very common and expected for people to be up in arms over being told what they can and cant look at. So I get the frustration.

There are most certainly some really evil people out in the world. Which may or may not find there way to a place that enables and promotes certain topics. That place of validation and community could push them into acting out thoughts. This outcome is unacceptable. If I have to go without to even slightly remove a percentage of a chance that that happens. Im ok with that.

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no amount of validation or community would make my change my principles or my morality.


This is a HUGE assertion and logical leap that you’re making, which seemg to be based primarily on your own feelings and no actual evidence. It’s also a perfect example of the logical fallacy of false equivalency.

We can all agree that a heroin user or an alcohol abuser who does not use in moderation will in fact need more and more of the substance to achieve their desired effect, because it is a chemically addictive substance. This has been studied extensively and is essentially scientific fact. The same can not be said for other things like pornography that are habit-forming or psychologically addictive but not explicitly chemically addictive. Even if that’s how it works or feels for you, it’s not relevant, because the assertion you’re making is about the world population and not just yourself. If it were at all true about the greater population, wouldn’t we at least see some kind of correlation in an actual study? As far as I know there aren’t any.

Also, if you’re genuinely concerned about the safety of minors, why aren’t you at all concerned about all of the real human beings who may or may not be of legal age and may or may not have actually consented to sex that your portfolio is completely full of? Pushing for regulation in live action porn is the way to go if you want to make a difference in protecting minors from abuse. Animated content is just an easy target, despite their being minimal evidence of it causing actual abuse towards humans.


There’s a correlation between child abusers watching CSAM and committing further abuse, whereas child abusers who don’t watch it are less likely to commit again.

This might imply an underlying mechanic through which CSAM encourages abuse. But it’s very easy to see how causation takes a different path than “people who watch that stuff are encouraged to abuse”. Like, “people who are addicted to the abuse are more likely to watch CSAM”. Or “people who stop abusing distance themselves from engaging with the fantasy”.

Now take that shaky foundation and move it a thousand miles further, from the land of “the existence of CSAM causes abuse” to the lands of “the existence of fictional CSA-adjacent media causes abuse” and it’s difficult to steelman in good faith.

I’m not sure you’re valid in believing there’s a percentage chance, or fraction of a percentage, that you’re reducing harm by policing this sort of fiction.

CSAM requires previous harm for its production and it causes harm by its existence.
Fiction can be leveraged by abusers to manipulate victims, but it’s unclear that leverage creates a victim that wouldn’t exist in a counterfactual.

The concept of sexualizing youth is icky. I don’t like it and it’s gross to me. A great piece of art is, to me, stained by its inclusion.
If it’s made explicit or as a focal point it sometimes makes me physically gag, as with an age-play (live action) porn studio I stumbled upon when looking at/for regular stuff. The title, description and intro all smacked me in the face with its premise and I had to take a breather and vent to some internet friends about it.

My life would be better if no one wanted to include this stuff in their art due to how it affects my emotions running into it.
The world would be a worse place if we betrayed the principles that allow artists to include it in their art.


Reminder how popular teen content is on pornhub, it’s basically #1 or #2, and remember why pornhub became verified only.


I speak up because I want those who confuse Loli and Shota with CP to have a correct perception based on facts.
If you simply don’t like it, that’s fine. But you should stop attacking people with theories that do not fit the facts.

First of all, what do you think is the reason for the low rate of sex crimes in Japan, a country with a high rate of pornography?
And why do you think the crime rate of CP in Japan is so much lower than in countries that ban them, even though most of the Loli and Shota content comes from Japan?
It is because pornography that is considered immoral, not only loli and shota content, is a “fantasy work” that is “creative” and has nothing to do with reality.

I will say it again. The crime rate of CP in Japan is much lower than in countries where Lolita and Shota are banned.
It is nonsense to link Loli and Shota to actual CP crimes.

I think it would be more convincing if those who deny Loli and Shota would first raise the issue with evidence.
What is the problem and what are the actual bad effects in reality?
It may affect some psychopaths, but there is no end to such things, and if that is the case, we need to regulate everything immoral in the world.
School shootings are a good example. Why not regulate violent games and guns? It is because the games and guns themselves are innocent.


This is the funniest shit ever.


yeah no doesnt japan have alot of that lol at least when it comes to probably ppl trying to snap a pic of ur panties and shit

To quote:

Only 5–10 percent of rape victims report it to police, and police record half or less of reported cases while prosecutors charge about one-third of recorded cases. The result of this process of caseload attrition is that for every 1,000 rapes in Japan, only 10–20 result in a criminal conviction – and fewer than half of convicted rapists are incarcerated.

It’s a thing with Japan, see their stupid conviction rate which they are proud of.


This is honestly the correct way to look at things.
It’s a sad world we live in that so many people cannot understand that they can simply ignore something they dislike and not personally engage with it. No instead it must be purged for everyone else for them to feel comfortable.


We all know what happens when you purge because you don’t like it. Literally 1940’s.

Wow! You did your research well! As you pointed out, the reporting rate in Japan is low. However, even if the reporting rate were to reach 25%, the same as in the U.S., the incidence rate would still remain low.
And sadly, there is still room for improvement in the Japanese justice system. This is not only related to sex crimes, but also to the judicial background in which 99.9% of people are convicted once they are prosecuted.
What you are talking about is the conviction rate in trials, which is a different issue from the incidence rate.


Sure lol.

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I dunno, according to a survey about 7% of women in Japan have experienced forced sexual intercourse (compared to 25% in the US).
You can question the methodology and perceptions behind survey data, but we should go by the best available studies rather than guessing how bad it really is.

Lack of reporting is definitely an issue with sexual abuse. Rape is under-reported pretty much everywhere, altho it does seem to be worse in Japan than average. About 90% of rape goes unreported in Japan, compared to 80% in Sweden and 60% in the US.


how do we know the numbers of unreported rape, if they’re unreported? lol