Looking for a different android local script player

Hey! I’m looking for any alternate local script players for android. The handy app and online site work but on my current phone about half the videos stutter using it. I have looked for other players that work on android and havent really seen any. Just checking if anyone knows of any on here. Thanks!

Stutter is an issue with desktop versions as well. The solution is to reencode the video first. All that is described in the scripting guides in the howto section of this forum.

This actually seems to be a problem with my phone alone. I have tried the scripts on pc and on a different phone and they did not stutter. I upgraded to a new phone about a month ago. Thoughts? I’m looking at the how to now trying to find how to re-encode

I messed things up here. I was thinking about scripting, not video playback in general (answered an Android question about scripting tools earlier). Sorry for that.

Anyways, if you have videos that work fine and those that don’t work fine then compare their resolution and how they have been encoded. You can use MediaInfoOnline - MediaInfo in your browser and select a file and check the format.

Videos encoded with h264 in resolutions higher than 4K that will put considerable strain the CPU. My old PC could not show them without all kinds of stutter and pixelation (my current one can show up to 8K but the CPU fan goes crazy due to the load on a single core). h264 doesn’t support hardware decoding which is usually required for a smooth playback for 5-6K+. Encoding with h265 is recommended for 5K+ resolutions.

I’ll give that a look but i think it’s something to do with the phone in general. I upgraded from a pixel 4a to samsung galaxy A53. I had no issues with the pixel but the Samsung plays some fine and others stutter. 4k might be the issue so I’ll try reducing resolution as well

Edit: looking on that site I’m not seeing anything that looks off between files. Though if you want to take a look I can send over the output. Codec ids all seem to be mp42/isom. Using avc1.

Could a resolution of 1920x1080 cause issues here? Some files with that resolution work but others have issues. Also these issues are only seen in the handy app and not in any other video player I have.

Samsung Galaxy A53 outperforms Pixel 4a in every benchmark when comparing them in reviews.
I don’t see any reason for why you have performance issues. 1920x1080 should not be any problem at all with any phone.

Anyways, it’s probably some codec issue and that can be a nightmare to solve. I found some pages where people had issues with either mp42 or isom (one worked the other didn’t). Unfortunately there were no answers. Maybe someone else here is more familiar with this issue.

As a workaround, if you have a PC and you only have a few videos you can use e.g. Handbrake to convert your videos to standard h264 (unless they are 5K+ where h265 is a better choice). There are many presets so it should be fairly easy to find suitable default settings.

A solution I found was to use capcut to Edit the video and lower the resolution. That seemed to work. Unsure as to why on this phone the handy software cannot handle (heh pun) 1080p but changing them to 720 worked. Capcut is free on the android store. Hope this helps others!

@Theswitch Opera the Internet Browser is stuttering for me. Maybe for u too.
Try your Phones Internet App (Samsung Internet) hope that helps :wink:

These are all local videos played on the handys actual app. In browser works great. I use chrome.

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