Hey all, i’m looking for slow edging scripts (1 hour+) instead of the usual fast ones like fap hero.
[Blake Blossom - Nurse Edges to Ultimate Reward
Script Duration: 1h 12m
Moving Speed: 117 u/s
Moving Speed (start-middle-end): 101 - 118 - 178 u/s
Average stroke speed: 172 u/s
Ultimate Edging Challenge - Blowjob Edition_Draft0_Butler
Script Duration: 1h 42m
Moving Speed: 101 u/s
Moving Speed (start-middle-end): 109 - 84 - 139 u/s
Average stroke speed: 159 u/s
“The Mila Azul Experience” (Cockhero) OR RedLight GreenLight - Featuring Lily Ivy
There’s one script that works with both videos.
Script Duration: 1h 8m
Moving Speed: 140 u/s
Moving Speed (start-middle-end): 109 - 124 - 201 u/s
Average stroke speed: 196 u/s
CH-Breathe Harder - Featuring Anjelica
Script Duration: 1h 1m
Moving Speed: 141 u/s
Moving Speed (start-middle-end): 135 - 140 - 150 u/s
Average stroke speed: 201 u/s
The script can be found here Scripts/Cock Hero/Cock Hero - Breathe Harder - featuring Anjelica.funscript at master · FredTungsten/Scripts · GitHub
Finding the video might be difficult.
Moving Speed: the total distance travelled divided by the total time spent moving. This ignores breaks/pauses.
Moving Speed progression (start-middle-end): Split script into 3 parts of equal duration and calculate the moving speed of each, to show if it ramps up, ramps down or is steady throughout.
Average stroke speed: the average speed of a stroke. This ignores the stroke length, so short stokes and long strokes have an equal weight. This is not a good indicator of script intensity, because the number only lets you compare the speed of one script to another if the two scripts have a similar distribution of stoke length and speeds amongst those lengths.
Also this one, which is a bit faster but the speed transitions are smooth.
RLGL Cock Hero. Salon DeSade’s Oblivion
Script Duration: 1h 16m
Moving Speed: 206 u/s
Moving Speed (start-middle-end): 123 - 178 - 301 u/s
Average stroke speed: 258 u/s
Thanks, those look good. I’ll give them a go.
Also, they don’t have to be accompanied by videos, they can be standalone scripts.
Here’s another, it’s slow and long.
Script Duration: 1h 59m
Moving Speed: 87 u/s
Moving Speed (start-middle-end): 79 - 89 - 87 u/s
Average stroke speed: 119 u/s
See this post for a mega with the funscript https://milovana.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=372662#p372662
Also this series of scripts…
2 Hour experience, 300 slow, unique pattern, edge script. NEW: 3 hour ultraslow script
Thanks, i already tried the last link and unfortunately some of those scripts don’t load. Not sure if there’s a limit to size / length of the script or whatever it is.
Sorry to hear people have problems using these scripts:
This 200Mb 3 hour long MP4 should work with all standalone 2 and 3 hour scripts on all platforms:
This will play scripts with any media file format
Top edge scripts on this site
Thanks! This players seems to work fine, i didn’t know it existed so i was using handyfeeling.com before.
I did notice however the script needs to be the same name as the video file in order to load. Is there a workaround to this for when i have multiple scripts for the same video?
Not that I know off. I just have a bunch of renamed copies of the same file.