[Moko’s Fap-Hero Style ASMR] Gambling Type Ejaculation Management Application - FunscriptPlayer

:frowning: unforunate. I think the SyncBot would be perfect for games because you’re kind of always in the sleeve. Thanks for the scripts though! I’ll have to try it with something else

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I couldn’t find any translation patch. What was the choice at the beginning? There are two options. What do they mean?

left - tutorial
right - no tutorial

Doesn’t affect the game nor does it need any kinds of “tutorial”. But she does introduce the roulette thing a bit in the voice.

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Thanks for working on this, it looks like fun. Does this work with the SR6 devices?

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Also change “Buttplug” to “OSR”.

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I’m just curious. I was editing the scripts to make them a little slower and more to my tastes and realized that doing so made the files bigger by a few KB, but once I tried to change out the files I guess I made them too bug and funscript player would not load and showed an error. So ultimately I was able to slow a few of the slower scripts but not all. Is there a workaround for this?

Not sure what exactly is going on?

If you want to edit the scripts, extract “app.asar”, under …\data\video there’s the video for each animation, copy them to the “gamble” scripts folder and open them up with OpenFunScripter. This way the scripts should load with the animation. To save the changes just do “File” → “Quick Export”.

I don’t know how to make them slower since the rhythm is pretty much defined, unless you “cheat” by doing an “easy mode” where 2 notes = 1 up-down. It is possible to reduce the stroke length to slow down the stroke speed so that might be the way to go.

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Mod works well , I’m running into an issue with the video not playing just black screen but I can still interact with the button and choose difficulty.

Again I’m not sure what’s going on but try:

  • Use the pre-patched asar file
  • Rename the game path to english
  • Change your system language to Japanese / English, or try Locale Emulator

Have not been able to get time to test, but does the multiAxis work for the scipts that have labels with 1.2.3 at the end of them or did they need to label as .ptch and so forth?

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The latter.

“1” “2” “3” is just the video name.

Finally had time to look into my issue and came out with a fix, had to delete libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll from main folder. Hope it helps if anyone has had my issues.


huh… sounds like your system has a problem with OpenGL. I wonder if creating a shortcut to the exe, and adding a “-force-d3d11” argument would fix the issue without the need to delete .dlls.

You might need to update your GPU drivers.

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@Falafel can you make one single funscript out of this game? i don’t know how to clip one to another and playing each scripts is a bit boring…

You are not supposed to play the scripts on their own. It’s a game mod, use it with the game.

yeah but, i don’t want the game xD it isn’t possible to make one huge script? or is too much work?

I believe the point of the whole game gimmick is to randomize the sequence so it feels different each time, making it into a video just takes that away…

If you care about the audio and want to have everything in one - you’ll also have to combine all the different audio tracks with corresponding videos which is a lot of work. The resulting video will be extremely long and probably way larger than the game application itself.

So ehh, I’m not going to do that. If you really need to cook consider this application:

The scripts in this game are just too fast. even the slow speed is fast.

I think the scripts would be much improved simply by slowing them down so each beat is a 1/2 stroke (only going up or down), rather than a full stroke (going up and down).

Didn’t do that because of the animation. Moko also specified that 1 note = 1 stroke and one should not cheese. If you found them too intense try reducing stroke length (which will in turn reduce travel speed).

You’re right about it being too fast though. Personally was able to beat it only with some ultra thick lubricant and soft sleeves (they make strokes feel like nothing). Like I said earlier I don’t think moko had any proper guys to playtest their stuff.

A description of the game would be nice, if anyone would please.