Motion Tracking Funscript Generator v0.5.x

Ah, very interesting. For some reason this only happened on these three particular videos I downloaded which were H.265. Many of the other videos I downloaded were just the same (at least i’m 90% sure). If you want I could upload one of the videos for you to look at and see if you can replicate the problem. Im surprised it happened on both the 8k quality and Iphone (full hd/4k) versions from the website.

If you want I could upload one of the videos for you to look at and see if you can replicate the problem.

That would be very helpful because i have not found a video where the problem occur so strongly. The worse case for me was about 2 or 3 seconds shifted.

That would be very helpful because i have not found a video where the problem occur so strongly. The worse case for me was about 2 or 3 seconds shifted.

Sending you a pm!

Late to the party as usual…

I’ve just tried downloading the mtfg-ofs-extension-installer-v0.0.3.exe from GitHub and keep getting a “download failed” notification - is the link still good for others?

The GitHub download link should still work.

Some user have reported a false positive detection of their antivirus protection software for the installer. Maybe the download was blocked/aborted from your antivirus protection software.



New Release v0.2.0 is now available. Changes are noted in the changelog on Github. I add a first implementation for @keijuno feature request. For now i call the function “supervised ignoring …”.

If you have any suggestions for the names of the functions, please let me know. Since I couldn’t find any easy to understand function names for the settings dialog.


The supervised ignoring is PERFECT. It makes being able to do multiple cut scripts in one take without having to pause, and re-adjust or making a take, editing it in OFS then repeating the process!

Bravo! Thank you for your contribution.
The name may be confusing supervised stopping, supervised ignoring
But since they are both using a supervised system, it makes sense after awhile.

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Are there any settings I can look at for some of the older vr videos that are top/bottom instead of LR as I’m struggling with the scaling on these coming out very small. Sorry if this has already been discussed. Absolutely love this software though it’s a god send

You can theoretically use any video filter that is included in ffmpeg. The interesting filters for VR can be found here. To create a new projection method with an ffmpeg filter edit the projection.yaml in the config directory (Use the “Open Config” Button from the MTFG OFS Addon).

Important notes for editing the projection.yaml:

  • When editing the file you must pay attention to the indentation otherwise the file cannot be read by the program.
  • The top root key (vr_he_180_sbs, vr_he_180_ou, …) must me an unique key. The key should also contain the words vr (VR Video) and ou (over-under = top/bottom) separated by an underscore so that the format is correctly recognized by the program. For testing simply use something like vr_test001_ou for your key name.

You could start by adding this to your projection.yaml config:

  name: '3D VR Video 180 Vertical Testing'
  video_filter: 'v360=input=he:in_stereo=tb:pitch=${pitch}:output=flat:w=${width}:h=${height}'
    height: 720
    width: 1240
    pitch: -45
      increase: "w"
      decrease: "s"

Then replace the video_filter string with available commands from ffmpeg docs. The new projection method is then available in the MTFG settings dialog. Now you just have to find out which command gives you the desired result.

Cheers mate I’ll have a look over the weekend seems like a head scratcher

For most Top Bottom Videos, you need to change this a little bit (the “he” stands for “half equirect”):

video_filter: 'v360=input=equirect:in_stereo=tb:pitch=${pitch}:output=flat:w=${width}:h=${height}'

Little issue. I convert a VR video to a lower resolution around 800px height. In this case the parameter box start but the tracking window never. With the 8k version of the video it start. For an other video converted in 30fps 1080p it work well. There is a minimum resolution ?

Thanks for the bugreport. Version v0.2.2 should solve the issue.


Also big improve since my last use of it months ago. Great work thanks

Problem solved

Very very useful. So mutch time save.
Good job :slight_smile:

Today, I had a “bad case” of funscript-editor not being able to add the collected points in OFS, even though I could see that the “funscript_actions.csv” file was created correctly. It usually works fine.

Since I was able to easily reproduce the problem on my machine (which is often the hardest part), I took some time to debug and I think I found the source of the problem.

First, I added some traces in the main.lua file:

 function import_funscript_generator_result()
     status = "MTFG not running"
     local tmpFile = ofs.ExtensionDir() .. "/funscript_actions.csv"
     local f, message, errno =
     if not f then
         print('Funscript Generator output file not found')
         print("message: ", message)
         print("errno: ", errno)

When it didn’t work, the message was “too many open files”.

I ended up adding “f:close()” in functions “init” and “update” and I haven’t got the problem after that.

Not sure why it was sometimes worse than other times. Maybe OFS calls “update” more often in some context.

Anyway, this seems to fix the problem for me.

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@Zalunda : A big thank yout for the solution. I just a the problem too many file open in the extension I work on.Funny coincidence :yum:

Two birds with one stone :wink: