MultiFunPlayer v1.33.0 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

Sorry if i ask to much, but is it also possible to add “launch with windows startup” and “minimize to tray”?

You can create a shortcut to MFP executable and put it in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, it should auto start on logon.

About tray icon, I’ll add it to consider, will have to see how much work it takes.

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I use MFP to “sync” the pitch and roll axis and had some questions around the functions.

Script blending - What does this do?
Seed - What does this do?
Speed - Guessing this is the rate of randomization along the axis?
Range - How does this relate to the range set in the “output range” section in the lower section of MFP?

Script blending - What does this do?

If you have a script loaded on an axis and enable motion provider on that axis, you can blend the two together.
Basically allows you to add variation to the script with motion providers.

Seed - What does this do?

Each seed value will generate the same random motion each time you run MFP.
I guess that makes it not really random… I think I will just remove that option and randomize the seed.

Speed - Guessing this is the rate of randomization along the axis?

Yes, its how fast the time advances for the motion provider.

Range - How does this relate to the range set in the “output range” section in the lower section of MFP?

This setting makes motion provider output values in the specified range. If you change the range you will see the values be limited in the “axis values” display.

The outputs expect the values to be between 0 and 100% which then gets mapped to the output range.
So if you have output range of 20% → 100% and motion provider range of 0% → 75%, the resulting range will be 20% → 80%.

Basically you align motion provider range slider on top of output range slider, kinda like so:

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You can change scan delay and scan interval in this build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #1584464122
Accessed via “cog” buttons on the right side.

Hey, thanks for your help!
I recently tested Multifunplayer and i got this weird issue with my handy. The length is set to full i think (1-100) but whenever i play a script, it stutters and doesnt go all the way up. Im using to connect. I also redownloaded the programm and did no changes to see if i messed up the settings. And advice?

Buttplug issues were reported by a few people but I dont know if its a MFP issue or not yet as I had no time to test, iirc it was something with bluetooth in buttplug.
Buttplug integration was made mainly for vibes, not for OSR/handy so the behavior might not be the best.

Any partilcar reason why the program only work with dotnet runtime 6.0.0 and not the latest 6.0.1?

Nevermind, it is just that the installer is pointing to regular dotnet, and not desktop version.

Does Update Rate in MFP, have anything to do with Servo Frequency setting in Krull’s firmware? Should they match or doesn’t matter.

Doesnt matter if they match or not, high update rate will mostly benefit scripts that are very detailed, since the update rate determines how well the sent values follow the source funscript.
Those very detailed scripts will be marked by the “RAW” text turning red next to the loaded script file name.

I made a desmos graph a long time ago that might help you visualize the relation: Position vs Frequency
Black curve: ideal/script positions
Red points: positions sent by mfp to firmware
Green points: positions sent by firmware to servos

Appreciate it. That is a wonderful visualization of it. In your experience, are there any negatives to running servo frequency and update rate maxed out? I was trying to chase down some random jerky movements and was wondering if this was a troubleshooting stop that I should fiddle with.

are there any negatives to running servo frequency and update rate maxed out?

Dont think so. An edge case might be when using UDP with very high update rate the data might arrive out of order. But that should be pretty rare.

I was trying to chase down some random jerky movements and was wondering if this was a troubleshooting stop that I should fiddle with.

If you use tempests firmware there is an issue in his firmware that causes random jerky movement.

Does that mean is better using a different firmware/version for the time being?

If you dont have issues with random jerkiness then you dont have to change it, I think only TCode v0.3 firmwares have this problem.

@Alchemyst @Syunic and anyone else that had issues with stuttering while connecting to buttplug, please update intiface engine to v46 and try again.
I reported a bug in buttplug that was fixed so the movement should be smooth from now on.

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hi guys mine will not connect to whirligig? it gives me an error whether i have it open or not. i have tried to run it through steam and locally and it still gives me an error. any tricks to get it to connect?


Post the error you get in MFP.

Here is the error

Whirligig failed with exception:

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10061): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.g__WaitForConnectWithCancellation|277_0(AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs saea, ValueTask connectTask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.CompleteConnectAsync(ValueTask task)
at MultiFunPlayer.VideoSource.ViewModels.WhirligigVideoSourceViewModel.RunAsync(CancellationToken token)

N/M Got, it forgot about setting the timecode server within Whirligig

I’m still getting a lot of jitter with butttplug. I have MFP 1.17.2, and intiface v27 with engine v46, but I still get around 50 jitter at 62 hz.