MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

I set it up with and it’s still jittery, a little but better, but still pretty bad. I also lowered the update rate to the minimum (5hz). Is there something else to try?

Yeah… I dunno. At 200ms between commands it should not jitter at all, so no idea.
The problem is I dont have the handy to test, so there is a chance its an issue with MFP but I dont think so.
If you know programming/C# you could debug it.

What’s strange is that The Handy connected via on ScriptPlayer doesn’t jitter for me. I’ve tried to take a look at the source code of both SP and MFP, but I’m not too familiar with C# nor the buttplug API, and the API was implemented very differently between both, so it’s hard for me to say what causes the different behaviour.

Also i’ve figured out a bit of a jank work around. I have both MFP and SP connect to MPC-HC and connect my Handy directly to SP, and my vibrators connected to MFP via

Hey @Yoooi - first thanks so much for all the work here. This is amazing. Was struggling to get DeoVR to work through SLR credentials. I have DeoVR running on my Quest 2 and I am logged in, but MFP is telling me that it cant find a running DeoVR process. Is this not supported in this way?

In MFP you need to expand DeoVR settings and set the endpoint ip to your quest ip.

Hi, I’m working on this project (EDI). Do you think there would be any possibility of implementing multi axis OSR device over buttplug?
could you give me a hand?

I don’t work directly on buttplug but I think you need to:

  1. Handle rotation (R0, R1, R2) in handle_linear_cmd implementation:
    buttplug/ at f1f99d93dd41b3542b31465d3a9402a25c23a51f · buttplugio/buttplug · GitHub

  2. Add missing messages to:
    buttplug/buttplug-device-config.json at f1f99d93dd41b3542b31465d3a9402a25c23a51f · buttplugio/buttplug · GitHub
    2x LinearCmd with Position actuator type (L1, L2)
    3x LinearCmd with Rotate actuator type (R0, R1,R2)
    2x ScalarCmd with Vibrate actuator type (V0, V1) messages to

  3. As bonus you can also add L0, L1, L2, R0, R1, R2 to ScalarCmd with Position/Rotate actuator type and handle that in handle_scalar_position_cmd/handle_scalar_rotate_cmd and send TCode without I modifier (move duration)

But best to ask on buttplug discord if that is the correct approach.

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cool,best funscript player.I saw u can support plex。Any plans to add emby of jellyfly support ?

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Yea I could consider adding them, depends on how difficult the api is.
Plex api is terrible but it is the most popular one.

Added emby for now but with minimal testing since their apps are paid:

Please let me know of any problems.

Added jellyfin too, was pretty much 1:1 copy but it doesnt support playback speed:

Again let me know of any problems.

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thanks for your work!i will test it on sunday~^.^

why my handy shakes when it gose up and down? just like it puse from time to time.

The Handy was added in experimental state. Their api is terrible for what stuff MFP can do.
I might remove it since it doesnt seem to work for anyone anyways.

So I only need to wait for your next update right?
I really like MFP. I believe this is the best toy controller on the internet.


What do you mean? A fix for the stuttering is up to the handy team. I can’t do much, and I dont even have the handy to test with.
What I meant is that I might remove the handy support from MFP because as far as I know it doesnt work for anyone. Or maybe just a big red text that says that it will probably not work and stutter.

i connected emby success(creat api and connect),but software not found scirpt.What do I need to set up?

sorry, its my fault。i connected a wrong web browser,now it working properly。Thanks for your work again!

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Hi g90ak,

I am stuck on the same problem, trying to connect to SLR. I assume the endpoint is my quest2 headset, so I have the IP but neither serial port allows connection. I do have my COM3 connected and my SLR name/passwd entered.

Also, anyone know what I am not doing here:
Heresphere is connected. Playing a video works, and I see the name in MFP window, but no script shows up in window. I use xbvr, all videos and scripts already work fine in heresphere with handy. What am I missing in MFP?

For SLR you have to use DeoVR or SLR app.
Endpoint is your quest ip, dont change the port. In MFP click the SLR button and enter credentials there.

Since MFP cant access the path where the video is located you have to add a script library (second button above the video file name). In that specific case you would have to place a 19331 - Giving the Neighbors a Show.funscript file inside the library folder.