MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

Hi, there’s a question. Is it possible to edit movements through the quotient. For example - I’m trying to be accurate for multi-axis scripts, and originally put +/-30 degrees and +/-5 cm in the math. Is there a function in the player to add a coefficient to the script? For example, for Z rotation set x2?

You mean like a script scale?
There is a scale slider that you can set from 1% to 400% if you expand axis settings.

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Man, you are really cool! Do you always have everything planned?

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Not really :upside_down_face:
IIRC this was requested by somebody.

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New patron fan here Yoooi and I am having a little trouble getting the SR6 SLR to work together on v1.23.1 It seems that its connecting and working but the heatmap/script isnt really loading from the site maybe? I dont see any errors in the log and I see the green dot never blue on DeoVR player. I followed what you had on the post for SLR to see if I missed something (remote control enabled etc.) Heres what it looks like on my end.

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Just checked on latest DeoVR and it all works for me.
Do you have script streaming subscription? If you only have video streaming subscription it wont work.

Also you can try changing “Log level” to “Trace” via the cog button on top of the window, then try playing a few random interactive videos, then close MFP and send me the logs via a DM (don’t post it here).

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I had that problem too, but I saw that windows firewall prevented the program from downloading the script. Make sure you allow access in your firewall

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I am having the same problem. I have SLR lifetime subscription for scripts and use the new oculus quest link to connect to my pc and then open deovr in there. It works fine for joyfunplayer but now multifunplayer. Local vids and scripts work fine in multifunplayer this way it just doesn’t pull the slr script when playing an slr video. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I checked the firewall and added multifunplayer but that didn’t seem to help. When playing an SLR video thru DeoVR, according to the logs it looks like it is searching my local script directories instead of getting the script from SLR. thoughts?

Assuming you are using patreon build of MFP and your SLR is connected in MFP, I would also need you to dm me the logs with trace “Log Level”.

will do. It never shows that SLR is connected just that deovr is connected. How do I get it to connect to SLR?

The “SLR” button text under DeoVR should turn from red to green.
The same one where you input your SLR credentials.

MultiFunPlayer v1.24.0:

Download: Release MultiFunPlayer v1.24.0 · Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer · GitHub
Patreon build:

  • Update to .NET 7
    • Big performance improvements
    • Windows should show a update popup, to manually update install x64 Desktop Runtime from: Download .NET 7.0 Runtime optionally you can use self-contained builds
  • Add C# plugin system with custom UI support (#94)
  • Add OpenFunscripter as media source (#105)
    • TCode output in OpenFunscripter will be deprecated after 3.0.0 release so this will allow you to still have live playback while creating scripts
    • Requires OpenFunscripter 3.0.0 or later
  • Add support for chapters and bookmarks (#72)
    • Multiple new actions to seek to specific chapter or bookmark
    • Ability to seek to chapter start/end or bookmark with mouse clicks
    • Chapters and bookmarks need to be created in OpenFunscripter 3.0.0 or later
  • Add plex media source (#96)
    • Should support all available plex clients but each client has their own api quirks so some things might not work 100%
  • Add horizontal scrollbar if tab list is full (#95)
  • Add auto-home target value (#102)
  • Add script preview tooltip when you hover over the heatmap
  • Add few missing actions (#91)
  • Add ability to change media from MultiFunPlayer via actions
  • Improve handling of malformed funscripts (#98)
  • Fix config migrations getting applied on first startup
  • Fix behavior of auto-home under certain conditions
  • Fix Axis::Value actions not working correctly while auto-homing
  • Fix log level changes not getting applied at runtime
  • Allow specifying Axis::Value::Set action move duration
  • Remove support for raw actions
  • Many minor tweaks and fixes

If you like what I’m doing, please consider supporting me on Patreon


I added plex token but its not connecting to it. Im using the desktop app with plex media server.

You also have to specify your server IP, if it runs locally then the default should work, then you need to refresh the client list and select a client.
I tested with “Plex Media Player” because for some reason “Plex for Windows” didnt appear as a client for me, probably have to somehow make it discoverable.

edit: Apparently they removed the “Advertise as player” option from “Plex for Windows” and you have to use “Plex for HTPC” or “Plex Media Player”…

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Thank you the other options worked for me!

Thank you very much for this great update and addition to be able to connect with OFS now. This is a great improvement, I’ve been waiting a long time for the ability to do live testing while scripting.

Now I have installed the latest versions of both programs, MultiFunPlayer v1.24.0 & OFS v3.1.0.
Both programs work, but I can’t connect ?
What am I doing wrong ?

(I have Windows 11.)
Thank you :pray:

Did you enable websocket api in OFS?

edit: Its in View -> Websocket API


Thank you very much, that was indeed the problem… stupid me…:see_no_evil:

Woooo. Thank you for the constant hard work!

Curious as to what "performance improvements entails? CPU cycles? Quicker response? More accuracy?

Faster execution times and less memory usage on a lot of things, which I guess improves response/accuracy.
Here is the “summary” if you like reading: Performance Improvements in .NET 7 - .NET Blog

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