MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

I use heresphere and mpv frequently and never had issues with dots in filenames.

Could you change log level to Debug, reproduce the issue with dots in the filename, and then post/dm me the log file?
Log level can be changed in application settings accessed via cog button on top of MFP window.

Short Question. I own the Lovense Max 2 and try to use the vibration and the sucktion function with MultiFunPlayer. In the Device Map I can add the Max 2 with his vibration function to V0. The Message Type is “VibrateCmd”. Unfortunately I can just add it to L3 also with the “VibrateCmd” Message type and not with “sucktionCmd” or something like that.
Did I something wrong or is it actually not possible to use this function with the Max 2?

Yea does not support suction at the moment iirc.

Oh, ok. Any recommendation for software which can do this? :slight_smile:
Also thanks for the fast answer ^^

Probably none that can play funscripts. Everything mostly relies on

I haven’t noticed any issues with the update, but perhaps I could suggest a quality of life update? Maybe it exists and I just missed it so I’ll just throw it out there…and I don’t like just suggesting things constantly so if you want a script or something in return lmk.

Profile “Loadouts” or “if” statements to be able to switch between when a roll, twist, pitch, etc script exists. If I use the fill the gaps loadout to fill in the gaps on a .roll script and a script does not exist then it just fills the void with random movements when the main script doesn’t have motion.

If a .roll does exist then it only fills the gaps on .roll when there is motion on L1. Functions as intended

Good idea, I wont add it to 1.21 but probably in 1.22, I want to release 1.21 already but cant figure out that time drift issue.

With the amount of possible configurations that users would want I wonder if its better to redesign the whole thing and make conditions user configurable with some visual/block programming magic, but that might be overkill.

There is no option to fill gaps only if other axis is moving so that cant be working as intended.

I think I got something reasonable to fix the timing issue reported by @lsidfoaprgsmdvlnvas, so the script should be now at most +/- 20ms instead of +/- 250ms out of sync to the video.
Works pretty well in mpv and HereSphere, tho I noticed that HereSphere messages get all over the place when nearing end of the video.
It needs more testing before I release this as I did not test on actual OSR so if anyone wants to test this below is the build, let me know if there are any issues.

Build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #2503838827

For some reason, the player is not finding any of my ports for the serial connection any advice?

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Are there any serial ports in your device manager?

Yes, I check there to see if it was a hardware issue and they were showing up

Can you post a screenshot of the list of serial ports from device manager?

That should work fine then, im assuming you tried refreshing the port list?

Yeah, I open the window click the refresh button, and nothing happens.

Ok, not sure why that would happen, download the build below and try refreshing, then post/dm the log file.
edit: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #2525567916

That’s bad, but thank you :slight_smile:

Had this problem, seems to be fixed now.

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Hey @Yoooi, this is my first time trying your player… and it’s amazing! I love how you can configure a lot of things. Its learning curve is a bit more pronounced because of that, maybe it would be a good idea to have a “wizard” to help you configure your player/device the first time.

What I love the most:

  • Motion providers are a huge plus. I have an OSR2+ and I set R1 and R2 with a small range using some patterns. That little change made all the scripts feel more real because the pattern is not completely straight.
  • Configurable keys are genius. This is the only app you can set a few keys to increase/decrease range as you wish.
  • Speed limit is a amazing if you like slow scripts. I have mine at 0.5s and it works just fine if the script isn’t really fast (otherwise it starts to move out of sync). This helps a lot for scripts that have really fast sections and you want to cap it to a slower maximum.

Can I give a suggestion? When you are configuring the keys and you have the option to select the “target axis”, I would add “All” to the options. Also, it would be cool to be able to set more than one key to the same set of actions. Thanks for your great work and keep it up!

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Yea, a how to/help/documentation is definitely needed. I will add it some day its just not the most exciting thing to do, and it requires maintenance when each feature is added/removed/tweaked.

It for sure would be a good quality of life update but for now you can just add the same action multiple times and configure for each axis separately.

You can add the same action multiple times to one or many gestures.
Configuring multiple gestures for a set of actions might be a thing in the future when I add configurable gestures, but for now you just have to add both key gestures and add/configure the same actions for both of them.