Added emby for now but with minimal testing since their apps are paid:
Please let me know of any problems.
EroScripts is a community for scripts that sync interactive sex toys with porn. Learn more.
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Added emby for now but with minimal testing since their apps are paid:
Please let me know of any problems.
Added jellyfin too, was pretty much 1:1 copy but it doesnt support playback speed:
Again let me know of any problems.
thanks for your work!i will test it on sunday~^.^
why my handy shakes when it gose up and down? just like it puse from time to time.
The Handy was added in experimental state. Their api is terrible for what stuff MFP can do.
I might remove it since it doesnt seem to work for anyone anyways.
So I only need to wait for your next update right?
I really like MFP. I believe this is the best toy controller on the internet.
What do you mean? A fix for the stuttering is up to the handy team. I can’t do much, and I dont even have the handy to test with.
What I meant is that I might remove the handy support from MFP because as far as I know it doesnt work for anyone. Or maybe just a big red text that says that it will probably not work and stutter.
i connected emby success(creat api and connect),but software not found scirpt.What do I need to set up?
sorry, its my fault。i connected a wrong web browser,now it working properly。Thanks for your work again!
Hi g90ak,
I am stuck on the same problem, trying to connect to SLR. I assume the endpoint is my quest2 headset, so I have the IP but neither serial port allows connection. I do have my COM3 connected and my SLR name/passwd entered.
Also, anyone know what I am not doing here:
Heresphere is connected. Playing a video works, and I see the name in MFP window, but no script shows up in window. I use xbvr, all videos and scripts already work fine in heresphere with handy. What am I missing in MFP?
For SLR you have to use DeoVR or SLR app.
Endpoint is your quest ip, dont change the port. In MFP click the SLR button and enter credentials there.
Since MFP cant access the path where the video is located you have to add a script library (second button above the video file name). In that specific case you would have to place a 19331 - Giving the Neighbors a Show.funscript
file inside the library folder.
For SLR I am using deovr, it won’t connect. Tried both ports, neither works.
“Since MFP cant access the path where the video is located you have to add a script library (second button above the video file name). In that specific case you would have to place a 19331 - Giving the Neighbors a Show.funscript
file inside the library folder.”
There is no such file as the name heresphere is using. Not sure if heresphere or xbvr is the problem here.
MarfaQ 120bpm SLR_StasyQVR_Giving the Neighbors a Show_2900p_35274_MKX200.mp4
MarfaQ 120bpm SLR_StasyQVR_Giving the Neighbors a Show_2900p_35274_MKX200.funscript
Anyway, I can’t rename all my scripts. They are already properly named and matched in xbvr.
Did you enable remote control and slr interactive in deovr?
What error is shown in MFP?
Not sure which one is the issue, but all funscript players need correct filenames reported by the video player to find the scripts.
I’m planning to add a feature where MFP would be able to search xbvr/stash for scripts. But I’m not sure their api allows that.
Ok, xbvr is changing the names of videos/scripts, and that is why heresphere sees that name.
Solution: In xbvr, options → funscripts → download all funscripts will dump out a zip file with all funscripts named the way that xbvr has internally named them, and that heresphere sees their names as. Just put all the scripts exported out into a directory somewhere and point MFP to it. This works well, although just one more non-automated task to do.
Remote control and slr interactive are turned on, username and password all entered.
DeoVR failed with exception:
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10061): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.g__WaitForConnectWithCancellation|281_0(AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs saea, ValueTask connectTask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.CompleteConnectAsync(ValueTask task)
at MultiFunPlayer.MediaSource.ViewModels.DeoVRMediaSourceViewModel.RunAsync(CancellationToken token)
Not quite sure what is the issue then. If you can connect to heresphere on your quest with
endpoint then deovr should connect too since they use the same port.
I was able to connect Heresphere and my Handy, using my pc to host my scripts. I’m also using Naughty America API. The video and funscript did sync up but there’s so much jitter and i’m confused on adjusting the update rate.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
No fix, the handy api is bad. I will probably remove the handy support in MFP in the next version to not cause confusion.
So SLR still not connecting, not sure what else I can try.
“Bind keyboard/mouse/gamepad input to almost any customizable action (150+ available actions)”
Where can I find the gamepad settings / documentation? I don’t see it anywhere?
Are you using SLR app or DeoVR? What version?
Are you able to connect to DeoVR itself without SLR?
Heresphere on your quest connects just fine right?
Cog button at the top of the window → Shortcut
Latest version for both, 13.10
Not sure I understand? How would I check? Why would I want to use deovr without SLR?
Yes. But I need to figure out a lot of controls from the gamepad.
Ok, found it. I do not know what most of those settings would even do. What action would be:
increase/decrease top of range (* Up/Down D-Pad: adjust upper limit for JFP)?
decrease bottom range (* LB + Up/Down D-Pad: adjust lower limit for JFP)?
increase/decrease limit of roll?
Basically I’m looking for these types of settings (JoyFunPlayer 4.0 - OSR (TCode) Player):
Gamepad controls: