MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

Thx Yoooi, I wasn’t aware of that T-Code V2 and V3 thing :slight_smile: Now it works again.

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Yeah i mapped the vibrator to L0 where the output of the script also was, but i was not vibrating. It only was vibrating with the slider in Initface Central.

Thats strange. Could you go to general settings and change log level to trace, then restart MFP, connect buttplug output to intiface, play a script for a few seconds then close MFP. Then send me the latest log file from the Logs folder.

Tested using MultiFunPlayer-1.29.0-look-ahead.1+27.9011483-Release from this message. The same testing script as before.

  • “The Handy” output - same situation as before. I see that there was a conversation about this, so my 2 cents is that “The Handy” output seems to involve some sort of queueing problem. After I press pause in MPV, device in this mode takes multiple seconds to stop, clearing out some sort of a buffer of inputs. Tested 10 Hz and 20 Hz.
  •” output with Intiface Desktop 2.5.3 - works fine, no complaints. Might have made a strange motion or two in 2 minutes of testing, but that could have also been from the script - would need a pure sine wave script to tell for sure. Tested 10-60 Hz in increments of 10.

Because MFP is the only regularly updated script player, and it has better UX, features, and integrations than everything else. HandyControl was my first choice until now, but it has bugs and the last release was 2 years ago. ScriptPlayer has a cumbersome release policy and UI that I don’t like, so since finding MFP I have only used it for multi-device scripts that use e-stim or Handy.

Huh? No wonder it does not work if they are doing some dumb stuff on their api servers. I thought the servers would immediately pass on the command to the device. That should be about 2x ping delay.

The Handy would not be able to handle a detailed sine script over BLE.
With polled update you cant run anything really but the script itself, so all of MFP features are ignored and you cant generate a sine wave like with fixed update.

And the update rate does not have an effect on polled update because it just waits for next script action, vs updating the position at fixed update rate like before.
Obviously there would be a way to switch a device between fixed update and polled update in the UI.

I just did a few repeat tests for this, with a manual stopwatch. It takes Handy 3 seconds ± 1 second to stop when running via “The Handy” output, for script runtime durations between 10 and 60 seconds.

I see, that makes sense. Maybe even a simple up down, say 25-75, script that gradually accelerates to the top velocity could work as a diagnostic one here, if necessary. Either way, the current BLE connectivity via Buttplug feels solid enough for Handy, with the usual caveat that you shouldn’t use BLE for detailed scripts.

Nevermind, I forgot to press the green plus button after mapping the axis and the toy. Everything works as it should :slight_smile:

I’ve had a problem getting my controller to work with MFP. The last version that I can get the controller to work correctly with is 1.26.1. I think I skipped 1.27.x, but starting with 1.28.2 the configuration will not work correctly. When I move the trigger I have set to drive the output range, it just snaps to a value that isn’t the correct value, and then when I try to move the center of the stroke range with the thumb controller, the value snaps back to the full range. All the other controls don’t do anything they are supposed to.

Yea there was a dumb bug, try this build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #7357814883

To decrease confusion on adding buttplug devices i suggest to replace the green plus button with a green tick button for applying the device on the axis. Additionally to add more buttplug devices i suggest you to place the green plus button below the buttplug table for adding a new row

Finally added configurable shortcuts, obviously its WIP, need people to test and feedback on functionality/UI. You can now also have multiple shortcuts for the same gesture, for example one shortcut on press and one on release for the same button.

Personally im not in love how the UI looks so if you have any suggestions let me know. I think shortcut settings might be better moved into a popup.
And if you have any ideas on additional shortcut types also let me know, I think I covered the most common ones.

Build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #7490688930
Extract to separate folder as the migration of current shortcuts is not yet added.
edit: Updated build with some changes/fixes
edit: Updated again, simplified the UI


Configurable shortcuts should be fully-ish implemented, migration should convert old bindings to new shortcuts: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #7494699303

Still would appreciate any feedback.

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I’m new to this and wondering how to use a controller to take care of the settings. When I go to the cogwheel–>shortcut, I am not able to capture any joystick/ gamepad inputs to assign. Any advice?

Do you have a XInput/xbox compatible controller?

Yes, but only the x axis is working. None of the buttons are assignable.

What shortcut type are you selecting?

I would need to see logs.
Open MultiFunPlayer.conf.json file, find LogBlacklist and delete "MultiFunPlayer.Input.XInput.*": "Trace" line, then find LogLevel and change it to Trace, start MFP press controller buttons and move axes/triggers one by one, exit MFP and send me the latest log file. Remember to undo the changes to the config file.

I’m using FleshlightLaunch (kiiroo-v2) with heresphere on my Quest 2 and MFP. I just noticed that even after stopping the video the launch will continue to have movement and I can’t get it to stop unless I physically power down the unit, regardless if disconnecting the launch from intiface as well.

not really sure what settings I should use to fix this. is this related to the handy also being problematic since it’s using bluetooth? just wondering what I should do to try and get better control over this thing.

forgot to mention im using

How does it continue to move? Like only in one direction, or does it follow the script? Does it stop eventually?

You could also try using this build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #7229086676
It has a different way of sending commands to devices like handy/launch.

It continues to move as if it’s following instructions. I DID see the thread yesterday for the custom ignition/liftoff firmware for the launch and I’ll definitely be experimenting with that to see if it makes things better.

do you have any recommendations for Update rate? I have no idea what the 5 to 62hz actually represents and if that’s better or worse.

Also could you explain sync settings duration for me? My vague understanding is that it attempts to stop the existing script from playing after the duration you set. What are the best settings for this for bluetooth devices like the launch that don’t have access to wifi playback?

Also I notice with initface that it labels the launch as Linear but then in the Device Map for the launch from L0 axis you can only select position. But I also notice that Up/Down interpolation can be set to Linear instead of Pchip, which one should I be selecting for the launch.

also what do these settings in Initface control?