MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

But it says so in the Random Video Player Github Readme?

Synchronize with MultiFunPlayer(MFP)

Download MFP if you don't already have it
In RVP under settings, activate 'Timecode Server'
In MFP, activate 'MPC-HC' as a source
While RVP is running, press connect on MFP and it starts synchronizing
You need to play videos from your folder with scripts ofc.
Have Fun!

How do i do that exactly?

A very weird thing is that MPC-BE x64 fully works with
ScriptPlayer Debug and HandyControl 1.2.3

MPC doesnt get opened tho it just connects when using with Random Video Player

Maybe MFP cant find the MPC installed folder path?
And thats why it doesnt connect because it doesnt find a Video Player.
But it works when im using MFP and Random Video Player it connects with MPC.

How can i reset the Media Player Classic and Media Player Classic-BE installation path?

Maybe MFP uses a wrong Port of MPC?
How can i set a new Port for MPC in MFP? There is no setting to do that.

Path is irrelevant.

You are confusing MPC the software and MPC in MFP.
MPC and RVP software cant run at the same time.

It uses the correct one, unless you changed it.

Yes there is. Select MPC tab in MFP and expand its settings using the arrow button on the right. The default should be

MPC-HC “Connected”. MPC is NOT OPEN.
But it says “Connected” when using with Random Video Player

After closing Random Video Player.

Literally NO Video Player is working with MFP. I tried them all.

Yes it will timeout when you close RVP or MPC and show that error in MFP.

You are literally the only person that ever said that no video player is working. What do you even mean by not working.

I have no idea why RVP would connect but MPC does not connect, but its definitely not MFP issue.
I tested MPC-BE and it works but maybe try MPC-HC by clsid2.

No Player “Connects” in MFP for me.

They are BOTH not working for me.
Same Error Message.

I added them BOTH to my Windows Firewall and made exceptions.

I dunno, try adding MFP to firewall.

You have a screenshot above with RVP connected?

You tested mpv and it doesn’t work?

Yes and yes

What error is shown when you try to connect to mpv

Thanks again for your great work, Yoooi. MFP works quite well with my setup with various DIY toys. However, the The Handy integration, both directly via MFP and via, is often jerky and can’t resolve fast movements. I wonder if it is possible to implement the same method to control the handy as scriptplayer does: it does not use Bluetooth, but the handy api with upload of the script via WIFI. In scriptplayer my Handy works fine, but I can’t control all my DIY stuff…

Sorry if this question came up earlier.

Best chris

Try using output but in the device map in MFP switch the handy from FixedUpdate to PolledUpdate, it will only use the script and ignore other MFP features, but it should be smooth.

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@Yoooi So I’m interested in buying an ssr1 and use it with multifunplayer and deovr (SLR streaming) and heresphere (Hersphere API). The only thing that is holding me back is that I want to use the range switch/ edging mode features of both DeoVR and Heresphere. Is this on the roadmap? and if not can I request it as a feature? Would be a great feature I think

DeoVR does not send the range settings so I can’t add that. It only sends when you press the buttons at the top (return to base, pause script, manual mode, edging mode), which I plan to add support for, but the actions of the buttons will have to be done via MFP shortcut system. So you will have to define yourself what each button does.

HereSphere as far as I know does not send anything other than media playback info.

@Yoooi Thanks and I suspected as much, but isn’t this something the devs of heresphere and deovr could add though? They’d probably be open to improving their API especially when it comes from a know entity like you.

Is there a script range extender on MFP like the one in OFS or ScriptPlayer? Some scripts are just too shallow sometimes and it’s pain the ass to to edit each one seperately.

They could, although for DeoVR i think its their internal api for communicating with the haptics connect app, not sure they would want to change it for some other app.

You can always try making a feature request with DeoVR or HereSphere to add support for buttons/range sliders to the api. Me requesting it feels off.

There is a basic script scale slider for each axis, but it is very basic and will cause the script to clip if you scale it too much. I plan to redesign the scaling to be more useful.


I’m new to this and would just like to understand what is meant by “now with SLR interactive support”. More specifically, does it mean that DeoVR running on the headset can connect to MFP and MFP can play streamed SLR scripts in synchronicity with the video stream ?

Yup, I’ll change it to be more descriptive.