MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

Extract to new folder and copy MultiFunPlayer.config.json from old version.
Or just replace/drop new version files into old version folder.

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Hey, I’m having trouble connecting MFP to VLC, I followed the guide that was sent but I keep getting errors and it won’t connect.

Doing this should work: Play funscripts using ... | OSR Wiki
Also try going to in your browser, if it does not open then the problem is not MFP.

Ok, seems to be a me issue, do you know how to fix this?

Maybe disable firewall? No idea tbh.
Following the wiki should work. I also just tested to be sure.

I tried disabling the firewall, didn’t work, so I’m just going to give up.
I did follow the wiki, unfortunately.

I cannot find the toggle in hereshpere to enable remote control. Can someone direct me to exactly where it’s at on the screen?

I think its called timestamp server in user settings.

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I accidentally NERF’d my SR6, I used a Haptic Configurator that was meant for OSR and it updated the firmware. I turned my SR6 into an OSR :rofl:

Now only 3 axises move instead of the 6, is there any way I can make it go back to normal in MultiFunPlayer? Or if anyone knows how to put the correct firmware back on it let me know… I fucked up lmfao

Thanks for the help, I tried this and it seemed to upload everything… But my device is still unresponsive, I’m unsure of what the problem is

So after reading all of this rather long thread. I did not see a direct answer to this so maybe someone could give me some insight.

On the topic of Kiiroo Keon. Should it be set for Update: FixedUpdate or Update: PolledUpdate ? Historically I have used Fixed, but after reading all of this I am now in doubt which is appropriate.

Thank you for your input in advance! :slight_smile:

Your best bet is to ask on Tempest discord. This is not the best thread for device troubleshooting.

If Keon works fine while using FixedUpdate then use that, PolledUpdate only sends script actions and ignores all other MFP features.
Tho im assuming PolledUpdate will be smoother with Keon.


Thank you for the advice! :slight_smile: I appriciate you. :slight_smile:

I am booting up the program and the same script keeps loading.

The video player is MPC HC. It connects to the player even if the player isnt open.

When it syncs to the player it auto loads the same script. Even if I switch the video the script will not change. Even If I clear the script on MFP, the clear button greys out since it thinks there is no script to play. I even deleted the script reprository path so that it doesnt know where the scripts are to load. Even with this the script loads anyways.

I dont know whats going on

MFP reads from when connecting to MPCHC so you could try opening that in your browser and checking what it shows.
You could also have a bad media path modifier added.

If you still cant figure it out I would need you to change log level to trace via application settings at the top of the window, then restart MFP and let it connect to MPCHC and load the script. Then send me the latest log file from Logs folder.

Hello, does anyone know how to connect multifun player with joyfunscripter whirligig? I am using but keep getting

Whirligig failed with exception:

System.Exception: Could not find a running Whirligig process.
at MultiFunPlayer.MediaSource.ViewModels.WhirligigMediaSource.RunAsync(CancellationToken token)

Your question is a bit confusing, do you want to connect MFP to JoyFunScripter or Whirligig?
MFP cant connect to JoyFunScripter, and for Whirligig it looks for running whirligig.exe.
I think demo version of whirligig has different executable name, but iirc it doesnt implement the api MFP uses so it wont work anyway.

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Oh ok thank you. I wanted to connect MFP to JoyFunScripter. So is live test mode not possible at all with serial devices?

Its possible but with OpenFunScripter (“OFS” in MFP), I dont think JoyFunScripter allows anything to connect to it.