MultiFunPlayer v1.30.2, v1.30.1, v1.30.0 are now publicly available to download on github:
Hey Yoooi, I’m having an issue getting the “Random” movement to work.
So to make sure I understand this correctly, these are my assumptions:
“Random” will move the device randomly when there’s no script or there is a gap in the script for the default 5 seconds.
Based from what I’ve seen on some other posts in this thread, I have mine set up like this:
(ignore the Buttplug being disconnected, this was just for purposes of screenshot)
However, playing a scene that does not have an associated script, there is no movement at all, even though the little bar graphs under “Axis Values” do slide back and forth. I’ve tried changing the “Blend” values, toggled “Update when…” options in various combinations, no joy. I’m sure I’m missing something simple but I can’t see what.
I will clarify that when I’m using a script+scene combo, everything works perfectly, no issues. So it’s not a connectivity problem or such.
Your guidance would be appreciated… Thanks for making such a great utility - it’s way more stable than ScriptPlayer.
Never mind, fixed it! I was taking a look at the Buttplug settings / Device Map and noticed I was on Polled updated. Changed it to Fixed, et voila. Movement.
Love the work you’ve done. Was wondering what video player you or anyone else suggests?
I’ve been running into sync issues with VLC where it starts with around a -0.1s video file offset and by minute 10 or so of a video it always ends up around -0.6s with it desyncing more the longer the video (even if I skip to minute 10 the offset is always around -0.6.) and after tweaking settings with no luck I figured it could be player related.
I’d love a good discussion about the motion providers section’s various knobs and levers.
At first glance, it seems obvious, but tweaking any of it gives diminishing returns.
I just tested and yea VLC 3.0 time is terrible and all over the place. Not sure I will be able to fix it in MFP, maybe just slightly improve it.
I then tested VLC 4.0 and its spot on, but it has a new API so MFP would need an update to support it.
I always recommend mpv for a 2d player.
@JrWeeb to addon, VLC player has gone downhill I believe roughly 2 years after I switched to it from Windows Media Player getting dropped everyone was recommending it but then new codecs started coming out and it’s updates weren’t keeping up and such.
As a result I found out about MPV and switched to that before finding a few issues with that recently with some files and so use it and MPC-HC. (which works well with anything MPV doesn’t do and MPV does well with anything MPC-HC doesn’t do well with)
It’s annoying that one of them don’t work perfectly but this ain’t a perfect world.
VLC is horribly behind the times now. The v3 codestream has been out for well over a decade and no sign of v4 coming soon. On Linux, you have to keep old libraries installed for VLC to work, which then in turn breaks other multimedia programs that expect newer libraries. MPV is a good replacement.
Thank you all, I tried MPV and it works great. Will try MPC-HC if i run into the issues Ratattacj15 has seen
I can´t add shortcuts, it just doesn´t register key strokes. I have allready made a bunch of shortcuts to use 1-9 keys to set the axis limit, which works, but now I´ve gotten myself a wireless numpad that I would like to use as a remote, but the numbers on that doesn´t seem to map to the same keycodes as the regular number buttons, and now I can´t register any new keys, number of otherwise.
What am I missing?
What kind of wireless numpad it is? I’m assuming you can type the numbers with it just fine in other applications?
What you could do is stop MFP, edit MultiFunPlayer.config.json
in text editor, then find LogBlacklist
and remove the line "MultiFunPlayer.Input.RawInput.*": "Trace",
, then find LogLevel
and change the value to "Trace"
Then start MFP, press the numpad keys a bunch of times, stop MFP and send me the latest application log. And remember to undo the changes in the config.
Thanks for your reply!
It´s one of these things:
And yes, it´s just a normal numpad, and it works in other programs.
Sure, I can do that, but first maybe you can give me a run down of the normal procedure to add a shortcut, since I can´t make it work with any keys on my normal keyboard either?
I remember having problems with it the last time I set it up, and that there was some kind of trick to it, but I don´t remember how I solved it.
What I do now is select “Button Press” from the Shortcut dropdown menu, and then press the “Start Capturing”-button, but it doesn´t register any key presses. I have a small recollection of having to first press the green plus button before I could add a gesture, but the plus sign is greyed out and can´t be pressed.
And it does seem to register keypresses in the log.
I´m changing the log level back, it was supposed to be “Info”, right?
I tried adding some shortcuts manually to the config file, and “Numpad1” and “Numpad9” seem to do the trick for 1 and 9, but it would be nice to be able to to it from the application!
I downloaded the latest version and started from fresh, and now I can add new shortcuts again.
I wonder if I can set a shortcut for nudging the offset of the script though? I Have found the option to set it to a specific value, but that isn´t very helpful.
I think what happened is that it was capturing the numpad just fine, but before v1.30.0 it did not show you that there was anything captured and you probably didnt open the list to check.
The logs show correct key presses that my keyboard shows too, so thats the only explanation I got.
There is Axis::ScriptOffset::Offset
for per axis offset, and Media::ScriptOffset::Offset
for global offset.
Ooh, nice! That works, thank you!
Now on to the next problem
You helped me get it working with Plex a while back, the key was to use the HTPC-version or the iOS-version instead of the regular Windows application, but now neither of those work anymore. They don´t show up in the client list, so maybe they have been patched, I did notice an update to the HTPC-app when I started it for the first time in a while.
You don´t happen to know how to fix that at this point?
I’ve been struggling to understand this process, and I could really use an example of how to create a shortcut. The most important shortcut I want is to control the top range of the L0 axis with the up/down arrows on my keyboard.
First press the settings Icon on the very top of the app to go into the settings menu, then press the “Shortcut” tab.
Now choose “Button press” in the Shortcut dropdown menu at the top of that tab.
Press the grey-ish “Start Capturing” button, next to the “Gesture” dropdown, and then press the key on your keyboard you would like to map, and wait for the capturing process to finish.
Now press the “Gesture” dropdown and choose the key you just pressed, and then press the green plus sign to create your new shortcut.
It will appear in the shortcuts list down below.
Select your new shortcut in the list, and then unfold the “Actions/Settings” menu at the bottom of the app.
In the list of actions, scroll down until you find Serial/0::Axis::Range::Maximum::Offset and press the plus sign to the right of the name.
It will appear in your list of Actions.
Press the edit icon (the wrench), set “Target axis” to L0, the value offset to how much you want it to change per step, and the value limit to you maximum allowed value.
Set the value offset to a negative number for your down arrow.
And that should be it!
Wow that was very clear and easy to understand. Thanks!
I’ve got it set up now so that I can increase and decrease the top range in 5% increments by clicking the up/down arrows. I would also like to be able to hold down the button and have it just slide up and down until I release it. Do you know if that’s possible?
No problem!
No, I don´t know, but looking at the availible settings I don´t think so