MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

Thanks for this information.

FunSR1 Lite is not compatible with UDP …

Working on VMWare for now.

Question :

  • I am running XBVR 0.4.31 on my server.
  • I am running MFP on my machine.
  • I am running HereSphere on my Quest 3.

When I load a video via HereSphere and the XBVR UI, MFP seems to detect the script, but no data or heatmap is displayed.

Any ideas?

Make sure you are running latest HereSphere version (v0.11.0 or later).
MFP should show the url to the file hosted by XBVR instead of the /storage/emulated path.

If you use latest then I need you to change log level to trace via application settings at the top of the window, then play a video on quest, and then either send me the latest log file, or open the log file and find the json received from HereSphere and post it here.

Thanks for your help.

HereSphere 0.11.3.
MFP 1.30.2.

Log file attached :wink:

application.txt (85.3 KB)

Oh I’m stupid, didnt check MFP version.
You need MFP v1.31.0 which has support for the latest HereSphere.

Ok, sorry for the mistake :slight_smile:

Any idea of when the 1.31 will be public ? Thanks :wink:

Hi Yoooi, having a minor issue here hoping you can help with… I’m giving XBVR a try with DeoVR on a Quest 2. I’m able to stream the scenes to DeoVR, but when MFP is looking for the funscript it seems to not be getting the filename correct - all my scenes and scripts have the same filename, I don’t know where this is coming from:

Changing these settings didn’t do much:

I’ve attached a trace log for you too… thanks!

application.log.txt (41.1 KB)

No idea, I dont have any specific dates.
v1.30.0 was patreon only for 2 months I think.

From logs it looks like you are playing a video file not attached to any scene?
The idea of XBVR is that you create scenes and then attach video files and funscripts to that scene.
I did not anticipate that XBVR will allow you to play not attached videos, so I have to add support for that. But in such case the only way to get scripts would be via script libraries you add in “Local” repository. It would not download the script from XBVR.

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Ok cool, like I said this is my first rodeo with XBVR so it’s quite possible I have it set up wrong/expecting the wrong thing. I’ll play with the “local” repo settings and see what happens… it’ll either work or it won’t :slight_smile:

It wont work because MFP assumes that the video file is attached to a scene. So it sees that and bails early. I’ll add support for just using the unattached file in v1.31.2 if its possible.

In XBVR you have to either create scenes manually for each file or you can use the scrapers in the XBVR settings, either scrape the whole MilfVR site or add a single scene.

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Where should i put mpv, ytdlp and ffmpeg as MFP cant download them so i need to download them manually and insert them into MFP.

The operation timed out.
The command “vel” is either misspelled or
could not be found.
The command “pwsh” is either misspelled or
could not be found.

nevermind i solved it with downloading everything again

How can i connect my SR1 to diacord?

Some server was probably temporarily down.
MFP looks for mpv.exe in the main folder, in Bin folder or in Bin\mpv folder.
Or you can manually select the path if you have it somewhere else.

What do you mean connect to discord?

Hello, it seems like the MPV are having some issue, the last time i used it works perfectly but today it’s just doesn’t work for some reason, any help on this? I tried redownloading it again but it still doesn’t work

You probably disabled auto-start, its next to the connect button.

I.e connect to live streams via discord and enables the SR1 to eitger track or follow along with said script or stream?

Thats not possible. What script would it even follow if its just a live stream.

No i didn’t disable it, also it doesn’t matter cause even auto connect is not able to connect it, always say error and the same text box message

Auto-connect is different from auto-start, third button is auto-start and it needs to be checked.