I would need you to disconnect from Emby on v1.30.2, change log level to trace via application settings at the top of the window, connect to Emby, play a video, change log level back to info, and send me the latest log file.
send to chat
Thats from 1.29.4 not 1.30.2
1.29.4 yes
Ok, so this is fixed in v1.31.1, it was a bug introduced in v1.30.0.
MultiFunPlayer v1.31.3:
Download: Release MultiFunPlayer v1.31.3 · Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer · GitHub
Patreon build: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111620548
- Add PotPlayer support
- Fix incorrect VLC media duration after changing media file
- Fix Buttplug output disconnecting in rare cases
Additional patreon only changelog:
- Fix unable to log in to SLR
- Reuse SLR session to prevent rate limit error when logging in
- Support matching XBVR files not matched to any scene using local repository
- Fix crash when selected device has multiple axes with the same name
- Only load axes with name in ‘[A-Z][0-9]’ format
- Fix VLC 3 time drift by recalculating media duration on each update (#184) - on seek from MultiFunPlayer (like auto-skip) the duration gets updated to the exact value
- Fix Emby and Jellyfin source not working (#187)
- Fix speed limit offset actions not allowing negative values (#186)
- Fix unit conversion in speed limit SecondsPerUnit offset action (#186)
- Fix path plugin references not loading the assembly (#185)
- Fix plugin settings saving only after they finish executing (#188)
- Fix output target and media source logger names
Additional patreon only changelog:
- Add HereSphere script repository - allows loading scripts from sites that support heresphere api (library view)
- Add support for updated HereSpere api - this fixes Stash/XBVR script repository not working with HereSphere
- Add support for VLC 4 (#183)
- Add back MatchAllUseFirst option to XBVR repository to allow matching scripts with mismatched video and script file name
- Allow invoking button hold shortcut while holding instead only on release
- Fix slider interval when using arrow keys
- Fix inverted Y axis in preview controls
- Fix axis value getting set to 0 under some conditions
- Fix keyframes heatmap range and heat not aligning to actual control width
- Fix keyframes heatmap heat calculation ignoring steep actions
- Differentiate between left and right shift/control/alt keyboard buttons
- Don’t set timeout when manually connecting sources or targets
- Encrypt api key properties when saving settings
- Simplify plugin #r assembly reference format
- Set custom default auto-home settings for V0-V9 vibe axes
- Show remaining capture time when adding shortcuts
- Disable elapsed time offload in outputs by default due to increasing number of custom TCode devices/firmwares
If you like what I’m doing, please consider supporting me on Patreon
I’m new to this program and I’m a bit confused. The latest release on the GitHub is 1.30.2
What exactly does " timed patreon only exclusive " mean? In order to receive bugfixes anytime soon we need to subscribe?
On the other hand, for e.g. 1.31.2 there are 2 sections labeled “changelog” and “Additional patreon only changelog”, so that implies there is a free 1.31.2 version, but where?
It means that before I push the code to github and the version is made public it will be available only on patreon for undetermined amount of time.
It will be available once 1.31.x is released to github, its just to keep the changelogs consistent and to highlight what changes will be public and what will be in patreon only builds.
Thanks again for your great software.
I have Whirligig working in conjunction with it
The playback speed of the script does not change when I change the playback speed of the video.
The same thing happen with MPC-HC.
With VLC, both the video and the script change!
Is this a known issue already?
I’d like to know how to solve it.
Not all video players have an api that supports all features.
When whirligig was implemented the api did not send playback rate messages, I dont know if that has changed.
MPC-HC supports playback rate but it seems like there is a bug on MPC-HC side as it always reports playback rate to be 1x.
As always thank you so much for the effort you’ve put into the player Yoooi. I’ve got a quick question regarding the Edging Mode of DeoVR in SLR. I’ve learned about the function today and mapped it to the controller but it doesn’t appear to have any effect. Apparently it’s supposed to reduce the script speed by 50% (I have not found a way to change that value in DeoVR, just read about it in a forum). Is that a bug or is the feature simply not supported by your player? (I’m using the 1.31.2 Patreon Build)
The patreon version of MFP has support for those buttons, but you have to add a shortcut in MFP so that it does what you want. You will probably have to add one shortcut for button press and one for button release.
Thanks! Might I ask for another piece of advice? If I go unter Settings-> Shortcut → Select Shortcut(Button Hold) what exactly do I have to do to sync the shortcut with the ‘Hold A Button’ Shortcut in DeoVR?
Do I have to start up DeoVR/SLR, open a video with a script, press the ‘Start Capturing’ button in MFP and then hold the A button as long as it records?
Edit: Tried just that. It now says ‘Captured one Gestures, Button: Edging Mode’ but it still doesnt have an effect. Have I made a mistake here?
After capturing you select the gesture and add the shorctut. Then you assign actions to that shortcut. There is no automatic edge mode in MFP you have to setup the shortcuts.
Also I think those buttons in DeoVR act as a toggle, so you click A button on a controller to enable edge mode, and you press it again to disable. So you have to use button press and release shortcuts, button hold is not what you want.
Can i just add the script to the folder where the video is stored for jellyfin or what do i have to do for it to autodetect the script?
If MFP can access the same path where the videos are stored then yes, otherwise you have to add a library in local script repository and point it to some folder where you will store only your scripts. Or you could add a path modifier if you can translate your jellyfin video path to local PC path.
You can check the video path in MFP if you expand the video section.
Having issues with the buttplug.io connection…specifically, it disconnects every 30 seconds. Even when autoconnect is enabled, it’ll disconnect then reconnect every 30 seconds for as long as it’s active. Logs aren’t really telling me much, but if I connect via ScriptPlayer this issue doesn’t exist:
2024-11-10 12:54:40.3182|INFO|MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.ViewModels.ButtplugOutputTarget|Connecting to Buttplug.io/0 at "" [Type: Manual]
2024-11-10 12:54:40.3182|INFO|MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.ViewModels.ButtplugOutputTarget|Device added: "Lovense Edge"
2024-11-10 12:54:41.6366|INFO|MultiFunPlayer.UI.Controls.ViewModels.ScriptViewModel|Received MediaPlayingChangedMessage [IsPlaying: True]
2024-11-10 12:55:10.3182|INFO|MultiFunPlayer.OutputTarget.ViewModels.ButtplugOutputTarget|Device removed: "Lovense Edge"
Yes that was a buttplug library bug, fixed in v1.31.3.