Thank you for adding PotPlayer support!
How do i play just a script on this player? I tried just the script but there is no play button to start it. Any help would be appreciated
You use internal player, once you connect it you can drag drop scripts into the designated area. You use play/pause button on the right to play/pause the script.
Is there an equivalent of which gives you a bunch of sliders you can drag to test out axis scales?
As a not very experienced OSR2 user so I often use Mosa to configure limits of L0, R1, R2 and my chair
(I know you can change minmax to 10% and then drag it but that’s not exactly a good solution as it breaks config, I’m looking for something more like Internal source)
Not really, but you could maybe setup some shortcuts that could help.
Nothing bypasses the range sliders so dragging them (or using shortcuts) is the only way to adjust the actual device min/max value.
I guess I’ll make some scripts that move axis to 0 or 100 and hold it there
I think it might be easier with shortcuts:
Add one button release shortcut that sets the value to 0%, one that sets it to 100%, and one that sets it to 50% and enables auto-home back.
That Axis::Sync::Cancel
action will be in the next update, basically changing auto-home state triggers sync so for now you will have to just press the buttons twice.
You might also have to add an action to disable motion provider on L0 if you have one enabled.
Tho using scripts or shortcuts you will still need to drag the min/max range handles to adjust device limits.
To be able to manually drag the adapter/slide with a slider in MFP would be my feature requests Yoooi for Christmas. L0 at least but with a dropdown for all axis would be nice.
Not sure what you mean by “adapter/slide”.
The moving part of the stroker, I think. Or any axis on a multi-axis device.
Basically, moving an UI slider with the mouse or keys and the device’s selected axis moves to the slider position. Direct manual control for setup purposes.
@Yoooi here’s how Mosa( ) looks like
(seriously, give it a try. It does have a virtual device if you don’t want to connect a real one)
Ignore the weird stuff, what you’re looking is basic slider set
My go-to option when I’ve first unpacked my OSR2 was going to Mosa and playing with the sliders to see how it moves
Then sliding L0 to 100 to equip it, L0 to 0 to config the chair, and playing with the grid (it’s a fun thingy but not useful for the thing we’re looking for here)
Then trying the Random stuff (it’s mostly bad) and Sines (which it a good device test but don’t try it on yourself)
Then sliding L0 to 100 to unequip it
Till this day Mosa is my equip/unequp/config_chair application of choice
So, what we want here is
- “Manual” input source
- High precision sliders (i.e. full-width, not 50px like the config ones)
- Toggle for “ignore limits” (for manual input only)
- Button for “assign current value as limit”
- - - - next is overthinking territory you don’t need that. Seriously, don’t. - - -
- Arrow icons for axises so you can understand which one is which without knowing them
- Basic point saving functionality that allows you to save points on a line with constant intervals, jump to a point, and play the sequence
- Basic sound functionality that plays sounds on interval, allowing you to compare script to sound (I had a big WTF with VLC3 having bad video timing and wanted something so it comes from that, I don’t have a proper vid for that yet)
VLC3 should be fixed in 1.31.3. If you don’t use auto-skip to script start then the sync should will fix itself over time the longer you play the video (or you can manually seek the video to fix it).
Alternatively you could use VLC4.
The sound thing could be made into a plugin.
Don’t know what you mean exactly. There is AB looping and custom curve motion provider.
The icons will be probably too small, also what about all other axes.
Don’t know if its possible to add without some big changes. You have to remember that it needs to work with all outputs/devices, and it needs to work with FixedUpdate and PolledUpdate modes.
I’ll add it as todo but I dont see this being added anytime soon unless some solution perfectly pops up.
A simple version of this could be made as a plugin.
Random image where I’m trying to explain myself what I want
I should really make a plugin I guess
Okay, tomorrow I’m trying to make one, wish me luck
That wont work because those overrides will still be mapped to the output range sliders.
Now that I think about it the plugin would be a little bit convoluted but it should be doable, it has to:
- Enable script and motion provider bypass on L0 or all axes
- Set all ranges to be 0%-100% for the output target you want (I’ll add the ability to query all available action names which could be used to know all added output targets)
- Plugin settings GUI need to have range sliders for each axis (there is no GUI for plugins other than settings, but I think I’ll add ability to open custom dialogs)
- Plugin needs to bind to property changes of settings and on slider min/max value change set the axis value to 0%/100% for live preview, and set the desired output target min/max range value
- On plugin stop disable script and motion provider bypass
I’m trying to use VLC but I’m encountering an error while doing so
Error when connecting to VLC:
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).
at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at MultiFunPlayer.MediaSource.ViewModels.VlcMediaSource.RunAsync(ConnectionType connectionType, CancellationToken token)
I’ve followed the instructions under Play funscripts using ... | OSR Wiki to no avail
You probably have a very old VLC version.
I’m using 3.0.21 Vetinari, unless there’s a better version of VLC I should be using
Did you restart VLC after enabling web interface and did you allow connections on the windows propmpt?
You should be able to go to
in your browser when VLC is running.
404 means VLC is replying via HTTP, but most likely you did not set a password. At least for me it returns 404 in the browser for status.json and status.xml if I leave the password blank.
A password is not optional, but mandatory for some reason (VLC limitation).