MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

You should implement your own simplified media source for more control, you are fighting MFP logic using internal source and AB loop actions like that.
You would really only need to publish 4 messages for duration/position/play-pause/script change, and handle play-pause/seek messages.
I would drop AB loop logic and after reading the script resource, create a new one that is trimmed to contain only the chapter you want. This way the heatmap will only show the chapter you are actually playing, and the AB loop would just be replaced by seeking to start after the script ends.

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Aren’t there press and release actions?

What do you mean? The issue is that I need to press a haptic button twice in order to trigger a action. I need to trigger an action on turning it off and an action when turning it on. They are switches.

I’m asking if “BUTTON PRESS” and “BUTTON RELEASE” (not CLICK) do work with them

If it does you can configure them separately

Is there any documentation on how the heresphere script source works. Been trying to set it up for the past hour but I have no idea how this is supposed to work.

If I understand it correctly, this is used for when heresphere opens a site with /heresphere. The credentials should match that of this site. However when I set it up like this nothing happens.

Any hint would be appreciated :slight_smile:

No, at least I couldn’t get any combination to work and tested it a lot.

Yes, but the site also has to provide the scripts, many sites that support /heresphere api only send scripts to The Handy. If HereSphere can see the scripts from that site, then MFP should too.
You can change log level to trace to see what it tries to do when you play a video from a site that has /heresphere support. You can DM me the trace logs if you cant make it work.

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@Yoooi please add disable toggle for plugins next to plugin reload button

I dont see the reason why, if you want to stop something then handle it in your plugin.

@Yoooi I think I see what the issue is. I have a local site (http: I’ve made sure to select http from the dropdown and and this is initially respected: TRACE|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.HereSphereScriptRepository|Received “{“access”:1,“library”:[{“name”:”…
DEBUG|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.HereSphereScriptRepository|Added site “

However when retrieving the individual scripts the http protocol seems to be ignored and https is used. Since this is not a https site it fails:

WARN|MultiFunPlayer.Script.Repository.ViewModels.HereSphereScriptRepository|Exception when adding site “”|System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
—> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received.

What is the exception when it tries to search for scripts?

Weird, I’m no longer getting the https issue but it’s still not working. I’ll DM you my log

By the way, @yoooi is the {actions: Action[], axes: { id: string, actions: Action[] }[]} for single-file multiaxis script stable enough for general usage for scripters?

Cuz I’ve never seen anyone use it and wondering if noone knows about it or there were reasons to avoid using it

This is the format SLR uses for their multiaxis scripts, nothing makes scripts in this format but their software, MFP supports it for SLR script streaming.

Does it have actions for L0 AND axes or only axes?

I think L0 is the normal “actions”, while “axes” contains other axes than L0.
Tho I think in MFP I also look for L0 in “axes” just in case.

I dont get an error code. The script part will connect but the video part wont connect. It says i have the most recent mpv … it connects with interval to just play scripts

I dont understand. You connect to either mpv or internal, you cant connect to both at the same time.
If it says you have most recent version then dont click the download button.
If you click connect under mpv then a mpv window should appear, or an error should be shown.
If no error is shown then you have errors disabled in settings.
Also what MFP version are you using.

I have the latest mfp. It tells me its up to date but when i try to connect it doesnt. I had it working then i tried the internal play and now it wont connect back to mpv. Im not trying to use both. I unclicked internal and reselected mpv. Its not connecting and it doesnt say why

Go to application settings at the top of the window, change log level to trace, try connecting again to mpv, change the log level back to info, send me the latest log file.