MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

So this may be a stupid question that I could probably just google better than I already have but what is the ‘suction’ function on A1? Like what attachment for the OSR2+ is it? I can’t seem to find anything about it and I’m really curious…

what is the ‘suction’ function on A1

I don’t own one myself, but I believe it is the T-valve add-on which opens and closes to vary the suction.

I would’ve thought so too but A0 is ‘valve’ which I would’ve assumed is for the T-valve.

I don’t see A1 on the MAx tester.. Where did you see that?

Edit: Found this post:

As for the new firmware itself, I have made several improvements to the device setup.

The T-valve is now on the A0 and A1 channels. By default the valve now operates an automated suck algorithm on the “A1” axis. That means it opens on the way down and closes to a commanded position on the way up. It’s 50% by default but you can change the default in the options at the top of the firmware.

“A0” offers direct control override of the valve position for any app developer who wants to write their own valve control algorithm.

I’ve included an easy option to reverse the valve servo direction, which was a popular request.

Edit2: I guess temple1997 wasn’t that interested.

Hi, I´ve trying to make this work but all options to play a video are grayed out, like disabled, do you know why is this happening?

Thank you!

After testing a bit more it seems that this only happens in the last version, the 1.18.0, I downloaded the v1.17.2 and it seems to work ok.

Thanks anyways!

This greyed out menu from your screenshot is for loading scripts not videos. It is only working when you have a video playing.
To play videos with mpv just drag drop a file on top of mpv window, and unpause it if it paused.

So not sure what you got working in v1.17.2 that didnt work in v1.18.0.

On v1.18.0 it didn’t allow me to drop videos to MPV, it appeared a red cross and didn’t do anything when I drop it, on 1.17.2 that worked correctly.

Is there a way to limit the speed of an axis like scriptplayer has? Like I can have the output range on L0 set to 0-100 for example and at slow script speed it would go the full range but if the script is getting faster it would use a max set speed. Instead of the stroker going super fast 0-100 it would be like it would try to keep that set speed by lowering the range automatically. Assuming the script is scripted to use long strokes for fast movement.
Hope that’s understandable.
Maybe in a future update?

MFP doesnt block mvp from loading videos, maybe you tried dragging funscripts into mpv window?
Anyways, glad you have it working.

I’ll add it to github as a request but no promises, it depends if I can figure out a good way to do it as it needs to work with all MFP features.


Sweet, thanks!

Wasnt actually that that hard to add.

Try this build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #1900246754
There is a speed limit popup for each axis on the toolbar.
The units are in seconds per 0%->100% move/stroke.


Sadly nothing happens when I try to start the program with that build (release or debug ver). Extracted to a new clean folder. Mouse cursor just spins a bit but no process starts. Old version still works fine (1.18.0)

Oh right you need .net 6.0.2:

Dont know why windows doesnt tell that there is an update when running the exe.

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Ah that did it, thanks. I’ll test it out ::

Works perfectly, exactly what I wanted. Makes intense scripts more manageable and probably extends the life of the servos. Thanks again!

Hey, is there a possibilty to load a script to multiple axis at once? I just use the L0, R0 and R2 axis and i always put the script to the axis one by an other. I thought this would be the Link script function but it dosnt work for me.

The scripts for all axes will be loaded automatically if you name the files correctly, so you dont really have to load them by hand.

If you still want to load them manually then and you want L0/R0/R2 have the same script then using script link is the easiest option.
But I just tested and you are right, when loading scripts manually the other axes are not linked, will fix soon.

sounds great to fix it!

most time i just use mpv without downloading the videos, so i must add all scripts manually and this would help much.