MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

I’m asking why would you want to use ScriptPlayer instead of any other video player that will be more capable.
ScriptPlayer probably does not even have an api to do that so its not possible.

ScriptPlayer has the playlist marker and I can connected to my Google drive with my stuff. For FunPlayer I use MPV video play. Do you know any better alternatives?

MPV has a simple playlist if you drag-drop a folder or multiple files.
VLC or MPC-HC will probably have a better playlist with bookmarks.

Hi Yoooi, thank you for providing this awesome piece of software! I use it to control my SR6 with funscripts, but I have so many videos that aren’t scripted. For those I like to use the motion provider and this is where I have a question.

Is it possible to use shortcuts to easily toggle between different motion provider actions? For example, one shortcut could toggle a grinding action that uses R1 and R2 while another shortcut could toggle pistoning which would primarily be focused on L0. Yet another one could toggle a simulated BJ that incorporates L0 and R0.

I’ve figured out how to create actions by using either a random or looping motion provider. I am also able to link different axis, control their speed and depth all through the use of shortcuts, but I don’t know how to seamlessly go from one particular preset action like ‘grinding’ to ‘pistoning’. Thank you for you help!

I have connected the DEOVR on the VR glasses to the MFP.I also logged into SLR, but when playing the video, the MFP couldn’t load the script.I ask how to solve this problem.The version of MFP is 1.32.1

It is possible, you can add multiple actions per shortcut to completely reconfigure motion providers. It will just require a bit of testing and setup so it does what you want. For example you could use MotionProvider::Custom Curve::Points::Set.

If you are running DeoVR on a separate headset then probably your windows firewall is blocking access to MFP. Your headset will try to connect to your PC/MFP to stream the script. Outgoing connections have no issues so thats why you are able to connect to DeoVR.

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Solved, it is indeed due to the firewall.Thank you

Thank you for the quick response. I looked at the shortcut actions and it makes sense to me now.

I have one more question. It’s regarding the T-valve. How would I set it to close on upstroke and open on downstroke? I assume A0 would somehow need to be linked to L0, but I’m at a loss for which settings to use. Thanks!

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If you use A1 it should do that automatically. You can set it to a constant level with custom curve motion provider.

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hey much enjoying the player and features with quest3, osr2 and slr. wondering if possible currently or in the future to be able to use voice to command the haptics? not sure if could make that work with the mic in quest3 or would need a module on the toy. Like rather than having to press a button to pause script could say out loud “pause” or for edging mode “edge”… and that would trigger the action. Be great feature to help give total handsfree.

There are a bunch of apps that can do this, like VoiceAttack or AutoHotkey and many more so unless there is a lot of user requests for this I don’t see the need to reimplement this feature in MFP. Just use one of those apps and make it do keyboard input the same as for your MFP shortcuts.

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By the way, @Yoooi do you use D2 command to read preferences and axis list?


Would be cool to see the app alert “Hey man you have A1 don’t forget to enable it”
And automatically white out unavailable axes like this (for OSR2)

Let me guess, 90% of A1 owners don’t ever use them because they didn’t know you need to add it to the MFP

Did you add your A1 (T-Valve, the top cap) axis to MFP?
  • I have single-axis stroker
  • I have multi-axis stroker but without the T-Valve
  • I have T-Valve and I have it enabled in MFP since the very beginning
  • I have T-Valve and I have enabled it in MFP after quite a while
  • I have T-Valve and I didn’t even know you need to enable it in MFP until now
0 voters

You sure love polls. From your big poll thread only 5% of users use A1/A2, I would assume they would notice that it doesnt work and try to ask or fix it.

Tho a quick setup/first start wizard would be nice to have, there I would use D2 to setup the device.

Also you can have multiple TCode devices connected in MFP and they could have different D2 outputs.

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Your poll is missing an option for “I have T-Valve but don’t have it enabled in MFP”.
I just use the automatic valve control built into the firmware.

Honestly I don’t even care much for the T-Valve, I can barely notice it.

I’m asking more of did you know if you can enable it
If your case is “Did know but chose to not enable” vote the one that says you enabled it (as if you’d enabled it and then disabled)

I would assume they would not even know how does T-Valve works, much less notice it doesn’t work, much less go somewhere to ask
There is 0 comments saying “T-Valve” in this thread before feb2025

Currently 4 of 5 people with T-Valve didn’t know you have to enable it and @stustustustu 's didn’t respond clearly enough to know if he knew you have to enable it for .pump scripts to work

So, my suggestions:

  • Make a device per unique firmware + tcode + axes combination
    • yes, make duplicates for device with enabled and disabled T-Valve
    • autoselect device on connect
    • name device a la SR6-TV-tcode03 where TV is twist+tvalve, device name is determined from axes, and tcode is read from D1
  • Read/write userprefs on axes with $ and D2
    • yes, noone uses them, but that doesn’t mean you should too
    • that will allow seamless switchin between devices
    • disable (make them transparent) or hide missing axes. If they are per device it even make more sense

The user doesn’t need configs, user needs sane defaults

What is “offload time calculation to device” does btw