My handy is incapable of running funscripts

I have had my handy for around 2 weeks and recently it has recently been incapable of loading any scripts through the wi-fi connection. I’ve tried testing my handy on through the sync tester and everything looks good but the script is stuck on not set and thehandy does not move at all. It seems to work fine through blue-tooth using intiface central. Anyone having a similar issue or has any solutions regarding this issue?

Do you have installed Firmware 4?
Try to downagrade to Firmware 3, we are some peoples here to have issue since several days with Firmware 4, but works again with FW3

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I had this issue with fw4. Go down to fw3 and it will work

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Try resetting the stroke length via Handyfeeling and generating a new connection key.

I found that the range there would occasionally become limited to between 0%-10% or 0%-0% for no reason.

Downgrading and then re updating the firmware has fixed it.

Thanks for the help everyone!

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Hey! This was a bug that affected FW 4 users. We applied a fix recently that should’ve solved it (1 hour ago recently) mind testing again?

If all else fails, downgrade to Firmware 3 and it should work! :smiley:


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